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Starting Over After Pregnancy
Posted by Lanea017 on January 14, 2014 at 4:52 pmI had my 3rd baby in December. I was a member last year but was going to a studio and just never seemed to have time to use Veena. I will be getting use out of it this year though so I am really excited! I have found that I have lost most of my strength. Starting over is HARD!!! Is there anyone else on here that is working to get strong again following a pregnancy?
Britafriedman1769 replied 10 years, 11 months ago 7 Members · 10 Replies -
10 Replies
Hi Lanea, I know I’m about a month late in responding but I will be getting back on the pole after I have this baby. I’m about twelve weeks along now, so I have a long way to go. I know that a fair amount of women have used pole as a means of getting back into shape after having a baby. I did it with my first. How are you progressing at this time?
I know there’s a few girls who are just getting back into pole again after having a baby, if they’re not too busy changing messy diapers maybe they’ll see this and reply. lol 🙂
I would give the 30 day take off program a try!
My son is 9 months, and I’m trying to start poling again. My strength and flexibility are GONE! I am so intimidated by the whole process, and starting over. Happy to find someone who is in the same place as me and understands.
Hiya! Not sure how I missed this post! I’m normally on it like sonic!!
My son is 6 months old, I started back at pole when he was about 12weeksish but only because I was ready for it, my abs had gone back and stuff, I was dying to get back on the pole!!
I started off slow doing mainly conditioning, strength, then a short session of spins/tricks which I followed with a long stretching session to work on my flexiness.
I had to squeeze this in, I still do. Really have to make the time for it, either I get up early before my kids ( I have 2, almost 2year old daughter and my 6mo son!) or I do it in the evenings instead of watching tv etc *cough washing up cough* !!!
Now I’m back at the studio too so one evening a week I go to classes.
It’s all about listening to your body which can be frustrating after this kind of break because you may struggle to do stuff you used to do with complete ease!! Just go with it, it honestly all comes back and it’s super worth it!
Oh yeah!! I used Veenas 30day take off programme, although I did add bits too it sometimes because I felt I needed more of a workout 🙂
Congrats on your baby!! Xx -
I just had my baby 3 months ago and it definitely is hard! I was very fit and strong before pregnancy and I basically had to start all over. I went from being able to do like 30 push-ups to struggling to do 1. I could no longer do a sit-up, no longer any pull ups. I have put up my pole, but have been a bit disheartened by my lack of strength to actually try much. I went back to doing what got me really strong in the first place, which was P90X/weight lifting. I like that I can see how I’m progressing by how much weight I am lifting. Now, after a month and a half of working out, I still haven’t done much poling, but I do feel a lot stronger. I managed to hold a handspring for a second or two, which gives me hope! I know I will have to get my butt up on that pole soon, before I forget everything, lol. I usually do my workouts at night so my husband can watch our baby. Thank God for him! I imagine once my baby sleeps through the night I’ll be able to wake up early to workout. I stretched throughout pregnancy so thankfully I didn’t lose flexibility!
Hi ladies,
Just curious- my husband and I are trying to get pregnant, how far into your pregnancy were you still pole dancing? I’m obviously hoping for a healthy pregnancy, and I know I should ask my doctor about whether it’s ok for me. I was just wondering how long you guys were still at it. Thank you! -
Hi Britafriedman, if you like please feel free to use the search function there are several topics on poling and pregnancy. 🙂
I was able to pole up to my 28th week. I stopped inverting after my 1st trimester. After your 1st trimester the pregnancy is no longer contained in the pelvis so if you were to fall there’s a higher chance of causing harm. I also didn’t learn any new tricks once I found out I was pregnant. I just stuck with what I knew I was solid in.
My journey back to fit is going well. Delivery was very smooth for me. I think going natural helped with recovery big time. I started exercising lightly 2 or 3 weeks after delivery. I have been poling and doing T25. My weight is coming off nicely and I am getting stronger. I used the 30 Day Take Off a ton in the beginning. It is HARD to find time to pole and do my T25 but I am making the time for it. I am excited to get fit, get my body back and start teaching again!
Thank you, I can see the search tab now 🙂
And thank you, Lanea017. That was very useful!
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