Stinky feet/boots
Okay, this is not a pleasant topic, HOWEVER, it is a problem. I have had students complain (especially this winter!) about the studio reeking from feet/boots. If you have experienced this in your studio, here’s part of the reason why. (I spoke with the Podiatrist I used to work for for tips) Allot of women wear their boots/shoes without socks. Socks are worn only once and then washed (WE HOPE! LOL), boots/shoes aren’t. The socks help absorb the moisture/oils from your feet. When you aren’t wearing socks, the material in your boot/shoe absorbs these (they don’t breathe). So what happens?? Your feet, shoes, boots build up an odor.
Most people that have this problem are unaware because they are used to it. Example, I was waiting to start my class one evening, one of the ladies was running a bit late, she kicked off her boots and quickly changed….the whole studio filled with the odor from her feet/boots. The rest of the ladies had a difficult time working or paying attention, a few excused themselves and left. The biggest culprit are the UGG type boots. What you can do if you are unsure if you have a problem with this is spray yours shoes/boots every time you take them off, with Lysol, Fe-breeze or use a powder (baking soda works well!). I keep a can of spray near the shoe/boot area. I have had to discreetly speak to the students with this problem, It is only an issue during the winter. But when we have windows and doors closed it is really DIFFICULT to breathe!
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