Strange back pain, pole taking its toll?
Hey everyone I was wondering if any of you had any advise or experience of this. I’m a pole fitness instructor and teach around 5 days a week Iv been doing so for around 4 years. Iv been lucky not to get any injuries other than the odd pulled muscle now and then, but I’m careful to stretch off before and after class. A few months ago I started getting a minor pain in my lower back which spreads to the right ( near the kidney) when I was in bed at night. This slowly got worse until I’m at a point now where I go to bed and I’m awoken after 4 hours sleep with excruciating lower back pain and lower right side. here’s the weird thing, if I sit up or get up and walk around it eases off and dissapears after half an hour. It doesn’t bother me during the day at all. So I thought perhaps it was my mattress, iv changed it and got a memory foam one… No difference. Iv had my kidneys checked for infection… No infection so it’s definatly back pain. Docs seem unsure why I get this when I lay down so my next stop is the physio for answers. Unfortunately I need to wait till I have spare cash to go see one ( have had no money over the festive period) so I’m looking at at least another few weeks of unbearable pain in bed till I start making money again. Can anyone shed any light on what it might be? Or any tips to relieve it other than having to sit up or walk
About. As you can guess this isn’t feasible at 4am when all I want to do is get a good nights sleep. My sleeping pattern is all over the place because of it 🙁 I’m pretty sure it must have something to do with pole but what??? And how to avoid it in future. 🙁 xx
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