Forums Discussions Stressing out to death

  • Stressing out to death

    Posted by nikki_christie on May 7, 2009 at 2:45 am

    Hi everyone!!

    I have been meaning to write a few things on the forum for a while now, so this is going to be a compilation post of everything that has been on my mind!!

    First of all, this site is the best place EVER and I LOVE IT. And its all because of you guys, you are all so supportive and funny and awesome poledancers and I love having a place where I can share my passion with people who understand what its like to love a pole!! When I posted my video here I was so nervous, but you were all so lovely so THANKYOU! I don’t know if I’m the only one, but I can waste away hours on this site just watching all your dances and reading the forum and stuff *happiness*!

    Which brings me to the next thing – I’m sorry I haven’t been commenting on videos and stuff for ages – I am in the middle of the most horrible stress of my life! Ahhh I’m doing my third year in uni and for the first time in my life I’m starting to feel just useless. I have just been locked in my house doing non-stop assignments for the last month and for the next month to come! I am not usually an envious person but there is this guy who does all the same courses as me, and every semester I ask him how he went and he ALWAYS gets straight 7’s (A’s) in EVERYTHING!!! GAHHHHH!!! And for the first time I just feel ENVIOUS like GREEN!! Its not fair that his life is so perfect and that he can just get 7’s in everything and party all the time and probably is happy all the time and has just the perfect life and is the perfect person. I know I’m being crazy but it just seems like he is just perfect, he is friends with people in all our classes and I usually sit alone, he probably doesn’t have any problems in his life and I do. I am trying to be more organized and more in control of my life but even though I have tried really hard this semester I am still sitting here skipping my class because I have 5 assignments and a presentation due within the next 3 weeks and I am completely screwed for it all! (Also when I have to get up in front of people I forget to breathe and feel like I am going to choke and pass out!!! So scared!). And on top of that I have to play mummy for all of my housemates and have to make chore lists and everything for them (lazy buggers)!

    God I’m sorry for just completely spewing all my stress out here, but I wanted you all to know that I will be back soon and that I’m sorry for not commenting on everybody’s vids and stuff – and now you know why…

    But on a more positive note, I did some pole practice yesterday for the first time in ages and it felt soooo good! So I’ll try to get some time to do the challenge and post it! Fun challenge btw although I don’t really have ‘sexy’ down, but thats ok it’ll be a bit of a laugh!

    Anyway thanks so much for reading all this,

    xoxo nikki

    Neke replied 15 years, 10 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • SaschaPoles

    May 7, 2009 at 3:57 am

    awww! nikki im so sorry that you’re so stressed out!!

    i think anyone can relate to how much pressure you’re under. i know for me, at least a few times a semester i call my mom all stressed out crying because there’s so much work to do and not enough time to do it. but you can’t compare yourself to other people, that’s the ultimate doom!!!!!!! it’s so hard not to though, you’re sitting there working SO HARD and then someone else sneezes and they get all A’s. But don’t assume that things are perfect in that guys life, it only makes you feel worse….just focus on your beautiful self, you’ll be alright. you’ll make it through. and we’re all here for you when you need to vent.

    the thing they stress most in my program at school is "self care, self care, self care"…..and ya’ll (yes, i just said ya’ll) know me, my dirty mind assumes something along the lines of mastu *sneezes* oh excuse me…but what they really mean is to take care of yourself . don’t burn yourself out. keep poling, keep stretching, be sure to take breaks and enjoy life. skip a class if you need to. pretend you’re your pole name when you’re giving presentations. that’s what i do when im nervous- suddenly im not taylor anymore, im sascha, and sascha can do anything… know what i mean?

    you’ll be alright nikki, we’re here for you and we love you!!!

  • Neke

    May 7, 2009 at 9:39 am

    I don’t know if this will help or not, but I’ve got 9 hours of classes left before I finish my degree – 3 weeks and two assignments until it’s over. I’m trying not to get excited until I’m done… I’m terrified though – don’t be in a hurry to get it over and done with, because I hear growing up and getting a real job is overrated.

    In the 3 years I have spent at uni, I have gone out drinking and partying maybe… 8 times? That includes New years eve and all the other festive times when you’re supposed to have fun. This year I have been intoxicated a total of 1 time – that was on my birthday, and it was while I was working. I figured if i had to work on my birthday I may as well act like an idiot.

    So you’re not alone, don’t worry. When you’ve finished and you have that piece of paper, at least you’ll be able to say that you did your best – you studied your ass off and you got good grades. That guy has it good now, but if he gets used to cruising through life without having to put in any effort then he will start to expect everything to be easy and one day that will bite him on the ass. Don’t worry, the time will fly by and when you’re rich and successful with your dream job it will all be worth it. The horrible stress and the all-nighters and the fingernail biting and that feeling of panic when you realise you’re nearly out of time and you’re not finished… sprinting across campus to hand something in 1 minute before it’s due… screaming at a slow internet connection when you’re trying to submit something electronically and it’s not working and the time is running out… passing out on your keyboard … it all builds character, and it’s a part of the whole uni experience

    Also, whereabouts in oz are you? Pole jam anyone?

  • PoleSkivvies

    May 7, 2009 at 11:06 am

    Hi NIki –

    University can have its ugly moments, and you are in one – homework and finals hell. I definitely agree with Sascha: take a little time out to take care of yourself – interpret that however you mean, Sascha. It will pay off in better concentration and better retention of your studies.

    As for Mr. Perfect, I assure you, he’s not. And he doesn’t feel that he is, either. Even if he acts it – hell, especially if he acts it. Everybody excels at different things. Maybe he finds university suits him. That’s cool, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t doing well or won’t succeed. Real life is different from university, and every job is different, so I have no doubt you’ll find your niche. All you need is the piece of paper and the information. No one in real life gives a damn about how many hours it took you to get which grades. You will do fine! And real life can be a lot of fun. Just hang in there, remember you are not doing worse than the others, even if it feels that way, and you are going to be just fine. Truly.


  • nikki_christie

    May 8, 2009 at 12:32 am

    Thanks guys

    I am actually sitting here now and have decided that I can do a few more hours of research and then I just have to smash something (anything!) out.

    Haha Sascha I love that your school emphasizes the need for ‘self care’ around here I like to refer to it as procrasterbation… I think I need to get a stage name so that I can really revell in an alter-ego… any ideas? Anything cute that sounds something like Nikki would be good… I’m to short to pull of an elegant sexy name, but something a lil kooky would be good (I’m a little on the weird side lol). And I def know what you mean about calling the parents for a cry, although I called my dad yester day and he said ‘well learn a lesson from this and start earlier next time!!’

    Neke – congrats on being so closed to finished! Which uni do you go to and what do u study? I’m doing psych at UQ, hoping to go on and do postgraduate study, which is also why I am hating this guy right now because I know he will get into first class honours and I wont!! But I guess at the end of the day completing your degree really is all that matters! Aw, poor you working on your birthday! Mine is on tuesday and I will be writing a damn speach about guilt in primates! Oh jesus now they are doing construction outside my house! Ah! Anyway I have come to showgirls a few times before so we might have met without knowing it (this was before I was banned by my boyfriend!) – so I am def up for a polejam, prob after May 25th tho when I hand in my last assignment!

    Poleskivvies (Jennifer – this is most definately an ugly moment!! But I think you’re right, I doubt this guy is perfect – and if that is what he is striving for that must suck even more. I guess its nice not to HAVE to be the best at everything, and I definately don’t strive for perfection. It just drives me nuts when I feel like its all so hard and someone else seems to just breeze through it. But I did actually call him (yep I put aside my pride…) and it turns out that he has had the same problem as me with finding research on the topic so I guess maybe this is a hard assignment for everybody and I just need to pull my socks up or something!!

    Thanks so much for replying you guys, I feel much better now that its all a bit more in perspective. AND I’m going to do the May challenge today so watch out because will all this pent up frustration I AM READY TO SEX IT UP!!!! Hahaha


    xoxoxo nikki

  • Fleur

    May 8, 2009 at 1:36 am

    How about pixie???

    Hope you feel better. I take dance study breaks when I’m really stressed. Or I just take a minute to do a handtsand or heastand, the extra blood to the brain seems to refresh me


  • Neke

    May 12, 2009 at 3:41 pm

    Oh yay, you live in Brisbane! I’m at the sunshine coast uni – long story, but basically the journalism course there is a billion times better than the ones in brisbane. You’re pretty much guaranteed a job when you finish, and you get to do a lot of hands on work with local papers, which you can’t really do in brisbane.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY btw, even though I’m an hour late I hope you had a good one, free of stress.

    If you’ve been into showies then I’m sure you would have seen me – i’ve practically lived there for the past 4 years. I would say come in and say hi, but I just saw your video and I’m afraid you’ll show me up! And as for the construction, I live on the northside right in between where the airport link and the northern busway are going – 24/7 they are either drilling, demolishing or clanging things about outside my door. Not cool – I feel your pain!

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