Forums Discussions Stretches for upper back (Iron X/TG Lift)

  • Stretches for upper back (Iron X/TG Lift)

    Posted by Kyrsten on June 18, 2012 at 10:55 pm

    I've been training my Iron X a lot for a few months now and I think I have some overuse problems with my left side (the side I usually have on bottom). I get aches in my upper back, right between the shoulder blades on the left side. It's the muscle that I feel engage when I go to do a twisted or true grip lift. I'm hoping someone will know what I'm talking about lol. I can't for the life of me figure out how to stretch it… the closest I've gotten is to come into a squat with my elbows on my knees, and turn my shoulder into the floor.

    I can feel it in a caterpillar and a plain old forearm/elbow aysha too so I think it's something to do with the bracket hold. It seems to be getting worse so I think I should play it safe and take a break from all of my split grips with my left hand on bottom… I've had problems with my elbow on that side too 🙁 Boooo.

    michaelaarghh replied 12 years, 8 months ago 6 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • chemgoddess1

    June 19, 2012 at 7:23 am

    Definitely lay off it and get yourself a sports massage.  You have angered the muscles and if you continue to push it you will end up doing more damage.  I and many I know that pole go in for massages at least once a month.


    Trust me, you do not want to have to rely on anti inflammatories to get through the day or get a decent night sleep in a few years.  It is just not worth it.


    You can try using a tennis ball or foam roller to work out some of the tension in the muscles but these will just give a little relief.  I think Veena has some really good conditioning lessons involving shoulders and back using a resistance band. 

  • Dancing Paws

    June 19, 2012 at 11:02 am

    The way I stretch that area is: I gerab my pole, squat down, hunch my shoulders and use my feet to press by body away from the pole. It looks kinda like this, but you adjust it to where you feel it:

    I had that same ache in high school and college from carrying heavy backpacks. It eventually went away, but you gotta rest it.

  • HollySatine

    June 20, 2012 at 2:41 pm

    I find sometimes that a tennis ball just won't cut it. If you need more pressure/something firmer, try a lacrosse ball.

  • Dancing Paws

    June 20, 2012 at 5:24 pm

    June 20, 2012 at 5:45 pm

    Make sure you are pushing down w/the arm on bottom. Your shoulder should not pull towards your ears. Hope that makes sense.

  • michaelaarghh

    June 21, 2012 at 1:14 am

    agree with sensual, I love that stretch for those upper back muscles. 


    I'd also recommend getting a sports massage. Depending on how deep the muscle that you've angered is, it may or may not be of benefit (e.g. i hurt a muscle that was way under my shoulder blade so he couldn't physically get to it) but if you go to a proper physio they should be able to tell you what strengthening work to do and how to stretch it properly. There's so many muscles in your back, although it does sound like its your rhomboids…in which case a sports massage will be amazing.


    (I'm not a qualified medical professional or anything. above recommendations are purely from my own personal experience) 

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