Forums Discussions Stretchmarks from poling?

  • mrsbaybeegurl

    April 30, 2011 at 10:48 am

    I happen to be one of the people who get stretch marks from anything, and I mean anything!  I literally can spot stretchmarks just about anywhere on my body, even near my ankles!! (yes, ankles and it was from sunburn that swelled my skin on my calves and ankles, and yep, when the sunburn faded the stretch marks appeared )   My sister is the same way, and always been slim, she's never weighed more than about 150 and yet the poor girl has stretch marks on her hips and thighs like crazy.  It believe its partly genetic, I am an A cup and have stretch marks on my boobs for crying out loud lmao!!  So if you get stretchmarks easily I would think you would get a few more from poling, particularly in places where your gripping with your skin and depending on friction to hold you.  I wish there was a secret to making them dissapear for good, if anyone knows of a secret potion let me know lol  I can't say that I have noticed any new stretch marks lately from poling but I wouldnt count myself in the clear, however if your one of the lucky ones who made it through pregnancy without any at all, I'de consider yourself safe, if a baby belly dont do it for ya, the pole prob wont either 🙂  Mine started appearing when I was about 11 years old and I was always slim, so once I had my first child years later, my body was for sure doomed as I gained more weight than I wish to admit lmao

  • Legend

    May 1, 2011 at 2:49 am

    I'm also "stretchmark friendly".. I have them pretty much all over, fortunally I'm paper white so they almost go unoticed, except in my lower back where I have horrible scars… I grew too much to fast, it almost looks like I've been beaten with a whip… horrible…anyway… I also got a few knew ones from poling but only on my knee pits. I guess if you are prone to it there's not much you can do but try to minimize the damage…

    Another thing that I'm getting a lot latelly is spider veins, expecially on the inside of my thigs, back of the knee and feet! Could it be due to poling? or its just coincidence that those are the places with constant contact with the pole? I know I have the genes for it,  my mother has her legs covered in them… I would like some insight on the subject, some way to prevent or delay their appearence?

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