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StudioVeena.Com Is Fully Mobile
Posted by Webmaster on March 24, 2011 at 7:51 amWe are now fully mobile. Simply visit on you browser and our servers do the rest, deliverying you an experience that is much more friendly for mobile browser.
There are no Apps to install or other software required it is simple and straightforward. Read more about it here
LoneStarDiva replied 13 years, 11 months ago 9 Members · 14 Replies -
14 Replies
YAY!!!!! Now I just need a phone that can do this :oP LOL
hmm, i can’t get the login button at the top of the page to work. When i try to access the forum it takes me to the ‘please login’ page which works fine, but when i click ‘login’ on the homepage nothing happens.
I am using a nokia though, rather than an iphone/blackberry (my budget couldn’t stretch that far! :p), so I’m guessing it’s just not compatible with the Ovi browser.
I love that the site’s mobile now though! I don’t have proper internet at home, and I daren’t access SV at work… -
Wow this is so cool! The site looks really good on my blackberry, and its quick too. I’m clearly going to get more addicted to pole now I have this to feed the habit! Only one problem for me: I can’t watch the vids. They’re just not loading, although that could be because its a work phone. If so, I need a new phone!
@jennypole – On some blackberries and some android phones the hardware is just not there to decode video at the resolution we store it at. Most new phones it should work on however. and all iPhones.
@webmaster. I’ve talked with you before about not being able to view the lessons on my HTC Wildfire, but I’ve since discovered that I can watch some of veena’s youtube videos via my android youtube app, some play & some say sorry this video cannot be played, which is the same msg i get with the lessons? Just wondering if you can shed any light on why that would be? 🙂
@tequilalily – Youtube stores each and every video in hundreds of different formats and sizes and bitrates, something that requires a billion dollar infrastructure for both encoding and properly deliving exactly the right video for each device that accesses the site. In our case, lacking the billion dollar infrastructure, we have selected a few common formats that can be decoded by most modern phones to provide the best experience we can.
Just as an example… I can watch the new free sample lesson, show me how you burlesque & evil pole dance???
So you’re saying that youtube has changed the format of some of Veena’s videos & not you?
BUM 🙁 ho hum, worth asking anyway lol -
@tequilalily – Youtube transcodes every video that is uploaded. It doesn't transcode every video into every format though. Generally the more popular a video or a channel the more formats Youtube will convert it into.
Now I’ve read the above comments and wondered if this mobile is webOS friendly.. I was able to see videos before the transition but now most of don’t even play when I go to watch a video.. I see that it’s says for iphone, android & blackberry friendly but man am I the only sucker with a Palm Pre Plus?? I’ve been checking back periodically to see if maybe there’s been upgrades or by chance it works but I’m not seeing anything.. I use my phone more than my laptop and I fear my subscription will be for nothing.. Please any insight that you can give me will be greatly appreciated..
@GlitterGoddess – There are two aspects to StudioVeena.Com mobile.
1) The website itself. The site automatically transforms into a mobile formatted site to be more easily viewed on a mobile device.
2) Video. This one is tougher, your device has to support h.264 and resizing to its native resolution in order to work properly. All blackberry devices I tested did work, but this support is a function of the phone hardware and not WebOS.
Hopefully this answers your question.
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