Forums Discussions Studio Raising Prices

  • Studio Raising Prices

    Posted by SToast on February 3, 2014 at 9:43 am

    I started taking lessons at the only local studio about 6 months ago. The $60 a month for 4 classes was a budget stretch for me for sure. But I’ve learned a lot and it has been worth it. The classes are small, only 4 students per class, and the instructor is great. However, I just got an email saying that next month class prices are going up to $80. I can’t justify the price jump. I’ve invested in my own pole so I don’t want to quit poling. So the obvious answer, SV lessons right? I’ve been wanting to purchase the year of SV lessons (should have when they were $20 off eh…) but have been holding out til hubby gets my new pole space done so I don’t have to put my pole up and take it down every day. But now I’m thinking I’ll get the lessons come March.

    So I have a few questions for those of you who do the SV lessons. I’ve heard nothing but good things about them so I’m not worried about that. What I want to know is how do you workout? Do you work on a few moves for a while then freestyle for a song or two as a reward? Do you work on mini routines? Do you do strength/flexibility as a separate workout or do you include it in “pole practice”? And the last one, do you have a regular gym membership to help you get stronger? I have been thinking about getting a membership to Anytime Fitness since it will only cost half of what my pole studio membership was costing me.

    RockNAngel replied 11 years, 1 month ago 7 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Veena

    February 3, 2014 at 10:42 am

    I’m sure others will share how they go about it too but here are my suggestions.

    Start by watching the very first lesson “Getting Started”. This lesson explains how to use the lessons, explaining that everything is posted in order etc.

    Getting started

    You also have the option of using the 30 Day Take off Program

    As you can see it, will give you 30 days of structured lesson plans. The daily tasks and tips usually won’t take up much of your time so you can add other exercises in addition to the program, either more pole work or strength training, yoga whatever you like. 🙂 Also, if you have questions you can always leave a comment on the lesson and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

    You’ll also find routines you can follow once you’ve become comfortable with the individual lessons, the individual lessons always have more tips and info then the routines, think of the routines more as DVDs and individual lessons as the breakdowns with all the info.

  • JoleneBell

    February 3, 2014 at 1:38 pm

    Hey Toast!
    I am too type A to use the 30 Day Take off, I found, because when I would miss a day or two I would just get down on myself and then worry that I had to start over, etc (which, obviously, is my own problem). Then I found the liberty of just writing down the exercises for the Pole Strength Routine, which I now do every other day to my own music, and tack on one conditioning lesson at the end of each. After that, I freestyle for around an hour, ideally. I also log my progress in my notebook and underline the improvements I make each week for quick reference.
    I’m very beginner, and I think what I’m going to do is work on new beginner pole moves for a week at a time before incorporating others.

  • AnnVann

    February 3, 2014 at 4:02 pm

    Hi, beginner here, too. I warm up to my own music using a Pilates chair and light floor stretches. Then I do the SV lesson for the day. (30 day program)…Then I put on my own music and do more stuff, taking care to not push too far ahead of strength capabilities. I actually pulled a left pec muscle from a studio class I was taking… I think I was trying to cram a lot into that live lesson, and I probably went beyond my capacity. If you miss a day of 30-day, just pick up where you left off, or a lesson or two before that. It doesn’t have to be literally 30 days, right? Don’t feel guilty if you miss. You are human, doing human things. 🙂

  • Veena

    February 3, 2014 at 5:58 pm

    AnnVann is totally right, there is no reason to feel bad about skipping a day, it’s simply a guideline to follow! Often times the next day is a rest day anyway!

  • Autumn Sky

    February 3, 2014 at 8:02 pm

    I try to write out a schedule before I practice, otherwise, I jump all over the place. I start with warm up and then some conditioning moves. Then I will have a list of moves I am learning/working on, then go to moves that I know but want to work on cleaning them up. I always end with two freestyle dances. Veena’s lessons are great(and you can’t beat the price for all that knowledge and instruction).

  • Isis Kane

    February 4, 2014 at 12:10 am

    I have a SV subscription, so my workout days consist of:

    1 Conditioning routine: SV has three to choose from, for different parts of your body, each of them 20 min. Sometimes, I’ll do POP Pilates as well-those are pretty intense. This will be my warmup, which consists of strength training and light stretching.

    1 hour-freestyle. I turn on whatever music I want and dance. Sometimes, I will begin by working on one specific trick I’ve been trying to nail, but I try to make sure it doesn’t take up all my time or energy. Especially now as I’ve been recovering from an injury, I do not focus on spins or tricks at all-it is most important for me to dance.

    30 minutes of flexibility training-I use Veena’s Lessons for this, and alternate between Front splits training and side splits/back flexy training each day. I used to stretch my entire body all in the same day, but it became extremely tedious.

    Hope I helped!

  • RockNAngel

    February 4, 2014 at 2:42 am

    This was great to read I recently quit teaching at my studio in hopes of opening my own… That wound up not happening and I’ve been lacking motivation to pole at home as a result… I think I feel unable to teach myself even though I used to teach others… Funny… Love the suggestions here gonna try some tomorrow!! Thanks for posting!!!

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