Forums Discussions Studio Veena Challenge

  • halfjack

    February 26, 2010 at 8:10 pm

    my idea for a challenge… dance to the song that was number 1 on your birthday! there is a facebook app and loads of other internet sites that tell you what song that was.
    Might be fun!

  • amcut

    March 1, 2010 at 2:46 am


    I’ll enter my idea!

    Dance in the style of your fav.

    they say imitation is the highest form of flattery, so let us flatter our most beloved dancers with a study of their gloriousness.

  • moonflower

    March 2, 2010 at 4:13 am

    This is my challenge idea:

    Create a routine geared towards changing the common misconception that pole dancing = stripping.
    Make it tasteful, athletic and artistic. Basically a routine that you would be proud to show your parents.

    I’m sick and tired of the reaction we as a community gets from the general populace. Why shouldn’t it be considered an athletic art? Why isn’t it suitable for a college talent show? People are so closed minded and judgmental. So lets dedicate one pole routine to changing their mind.

  • GatorGirl4Life

    March 3, 2010 at 6:07 pm

    How about a challenge where you do everything on your weaker side? I did this as a challenge for myself a few months ago and BOY WAS IT A CHALLENGE! not only physically, but mentally as well! I caught myself standing there thinking, okay, wait, how do I do this the opposite way?? LOL like doing the pirouettes doing to the right instead of the left for me was quite the mental challenge!

  • SissyBuns

    March 3, 2010 at 6:39 pm

    How about a challenge where you do everything on your weaker side? I did this as a challenge for myself a few months ago and BOY WAS IT A CHALLENGE! not only physically, but mentally as well! I caught myself standing there thinking, okay, wait, how do I do this the opposite way?? LOL like doing the pirouettes doing to the right instead of the left for me was quite the mental challenge!

    If I did that challenge I would look like I was on pole day #1. LOL

  • horsecrazy12987

    April 20, 2010 at 1:41 pm

    lol Me too. I am left side retarded at everything I do, not just pole. It would be horrendous to watch. Like the train wreck with bodies hanging out the windows, you don’t want to look, but you just can’t take your eyes off it.

  • Hils

    April 27, 2010 at 11:59 pm

    Hi guys! I’ve been out forever it seems like, anyways, was curious what the may challenge is gonna be. Any ideas yet?

  • Meleania

    April 28, 2010 at 11:28 pm

    I had an idea, lets do a challenge wearing ankle weights!! I once put on 5lbs (2.5lb per leg) ankle weights and OMG I couldn’t believe how much harder it was! I wear these ones:

    they are big enough to wear they don’t move around on your leg like the smaller ones, and the weights themselves are removable and are like a hard gel or something instead of metal or sand so I can wear them without shoes and they don’t hurt my ankles and if they tear sand won’t fall out and get everywhere.

  • chloe89

    April 16, 2011 at 6:26 pm

    Where are the challenges posted? I've been looking, but havent seen them!


  • Webmaster

    April 16, 2011 at 7:48 pm

    The videos are posted in the video section, just click the link that says just the challenges.  As to the challenge description itself, watch the forum every month.

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