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Studio Veena v. lessons?
NonFlexy replied 12 years, 3 months ago 18 Members · 35 Replies
I subscribe to a bunch of online lessons because I like having different ways to learn a move as well as as many different moves to learn. I also like picking up signature styles from various instructors. I haven't tried A&P yet but if you can only try one I would suggest Veena first because it will build a solid foundation in poling. So far I haven't come across an online studio that has the moves in order. As well, I've received sooo much help from the other Veena members on this site. It's also rare that you can find high quality like this for such an affordable price.
I have used SV and P&A and agree with a comment that was already mentioned. They're selling factor is the line up and their guest instructors.
I think SV is hands down the best. The price is affordable, the lessons are very clear and the breakdown is awesome!
P&A does not have the level of breakdown that SV does which makes the lessons alot harder especially if you are just starting out.
The only thing they have over SV is that they have lyra and silks lessons, that was the main reason I purchased the lessons, however, the amount of videos available for the price is not very good in my opinion
But they are new so maybe they will there will be improvements made!
Oops! She runs the Premier Pole studios in the US and she has online lessons at
I loooooove her lessons, she has an amazing teaching style & she uploads new lessons each week, there are always workshops, sexy flow routines, pole body, classic pole & she has heaps of awesome choreographed routines to learn.
The lessons are set up in proper studio style lessons (as if you were doing a physical lesson with her).
The lesson videos ate via Vimeo and are the highest quality I have seen.
There is a kind, supportive community there on the forum also.
I can’t reccomend her lessons enough. They are $19.99 per month.
Hope this helps 🙂 -
I really like Rhiannan Nicole's online lessons, but she definitely hasn't been sticking to her weekly publishing schedule. They've been really, really sporadic (ie. she posted a bunch in August, then another batch a month ago, and only one since then). I've been contemplating cancelling my subscription with her and just signing back up for a month here and there to check what's new.
I'm not familiar with, so I can't comment on those lessons.
Veena's lessons are fantastic for learning individual pole tricks and transitions. She also provides really good stretching and strength training videos.
+1@Kasanya Rhiannan is a great instructor but they don't put out regular lessons. Also (not the end of the world but a peeve of mine) They wear dark clothes over a dark background. That being said I still have greatly benefited from their material.
I have a membership to both, but will be cancelling Poleandaerial! I spend most of my time on SV site! I have only been using pole an aerial for warm up. It’s too expensive to keep it for that. Pole in Ariel I do not feel is good for a beginner. Does not going to conditioning or very much on shoulder replacement. And as the others have said it’s not organized very well
Veena lessons are so much better organized and she break the lessons down better. She goes over the point of contact very well! I love her lesson.
Cherished, they do wear dark clothes, but their back ground is light..
One advantage of Pole and Aerial is that they also offer silks and lyra lessons which are rather hard to find elsewhere. But than again, you do not usually learn those things at home as they require special rigging and at least 5 meter high ceilings, so you still need to go to the studio for that. It's nice to have some other source of reference though.
Since we're on the subject of online pole lessons, has anybody checked out the new ones from Tantra Fitness? The sample lessons look pretty good, but I really dislike the fact I can't even browse what's available without buying a subscription. I'm also wondering how often they're going to add new content, but it's probably too early to tell with them yet.
Ohh sry. Didnt see there were other sites aswell, because I think PS's backgrounds are pretty bright. The videos doesnt always work though :/
studio veena is great for when you start but if you are looking for more advanced moves, pole and aerial is good
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