Forums Discussions Studio ettiquette and tips?

  • Studio ettiquette and tips?

    Posted by CapFeb on December 5, 2012 at 5:43 pm

    I recently took a trip to Poletential, which for me is the Mecca of pole dance studios. Poles that kiss almost three story ceilings are my kind of pole! Two hours of open pole? NOW we’re talking! An aerial arts studio next door (trapeze and silk) with not one, but TWO different clothing boutiques? Sorry, I’m done fan girling, let me get back to the point.

    I’ve only been to four studios. Only one of them was I unsatisfied, and it had nothing to do with the studio itself (lost reservation!) So there’s a few things I’ve been wondering about…

    1) most studios have a sound system that they allow dancers to plug their mp3 player into. BUT, when you have more than one student, how is this privledge…equally shared? I think there was a woman trying to practice a routine on Sunday, because I heard Lady Gaga’s “STARSTRUCK” On repeat for three turns, then another song, then “starstruck” again, and again, and again. What does one do in this situation? I’ve tried poleing in headphones– doesn’t work for me, but I’m open to suggestions. And like I said, I’ve never seen specific song rules. Approaching her also seems rude. Can you tell that I really don’t like starting confrontation?

    2) “no teaching”. This one should be obvious, but what about doubles routines? I am teaching a friend a few transitional moves for our double feature. Nothing advanced like r. Marchenko, but little transitional things like star and extended butterfly from moves she already knows. Everyone at Poletential is incredibly friendly and I’ve received aysha tips there, seen brass monkey perfected, etc. When does a “tip” turn into full on teaching?

    3) Personal stuff. I’m an exotic dancer. I’m used to, and expect my stuff to be jacked if I leave it out. I know this isn’t how it works most of the time in studios, but its a subconcious fear at this point. I like having my stuff far away from everyone elses. No confusion. Don’t have to worry about if its my bag or theirs. Some studios have strick cubby rules, or just open areas. I have yet to run into a studio with lockers. All of mypole stuff is personalized so as not to be confused with other dancer’s stuff. Dry hands decorated, MG stuff is labled with my name in silver sharpie…but I’m protective. Is there a nice way to say to an instructor or owner, “I just prefer my stuff by me” in a way that makes sense without making it seem like its the studio that makes me uncomfortable? Or maybe a trick to make my bag seem more secure if its not right next to me?

    Thanks for the suggestions.

    CD Hussey fka Jivete replied 12 years, 1 month ago 6 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • darling dearest

    December 5, 2012 at 6:00 pm

    I went to my first open pole at B&P last weekend. At first we didn’t have music, but a girl brought her iPod and told us it’s on shuffle and we’re free to switch songs. Perhaps you could plug in your own music or ask if you can change the song?

    I’ve never had my stuff stolen at the studios I’ve been to. If I’m nervous I’ll keep my bag in the corner or close to me. If you’ve got valuables, perhaps you could ask to leave them at the desk where it’ll be watched?

    I hope this helps a little. x

  • chemgoddess1

    December 5, 2012 at 6:11 pm

    If I was practicing for a show I would either ask if I could bogart the system for at least one of two run throughs but besides that I would figure out a way for me and a set of headphones.  To me that is just rude to other people to expect to just hear "my song".


    No teaching…was this expressly aimed at those in attandance or as a general, "we will have instructors there to spot/be available however they will not be tehre to teach you anything"?  If I am there with a friend I am so giving pointers on stuff I know or she would be giving me pointers.  I do not see this as "teaching".


    When you go in just say that you are particular about your stuff and would prefer a way to keep an eye on it.  I am sure this is not the worst request that they have gotten.


    I would say in any situation it is always best to talk to an employee of an establishment if you have concerns/issues.  I may have even brought up the personal stuff question on the phone prior to even stepping foot into the studio.



  • Haley Bug

    December 5, 2012 at 6:13 pm

    I LOVE Poletential! It's my 2nd home studio lol. I know they're really friendly and I've seen girls ask the instructors (usually Ellen does open studios) to play their music and they have a turn by turn basis. I think that should go for all studios. As for the no teaching thing, I think it's a matter of safety. I think a lot of studios prefer that the instructors teach because it's a liability in the studio. If someone gets hurt, it looks bad on the I'm pretty sure a couple tricks won't hurt at all, but if you look like you don't know what you're doing or someone is going to get hurt the studio staff will let you know. Keeping your valuables close isn't a problem at my studio (we just have a no texting policy) but if you're worried I would go with DD's suggestion and ask them to keep your things in a safe place. How often do you visit Poletential? Maybe we can jam there some time? I'm visiting the bay area during the holidays and I would love a pole buddy 😀

  • CapFeb

    December 5, 2012 at 7:34 pm

    I live in Phoenix and am only in the bay area for 4-5 days a few months out of the year, but would love a buddy there 😀

    I know that none of the instructors there are rude (Cristina was a doll) it was just a set of questions I had for every studio, not poletential in question.

  • Haley Bug

    December 5, 2012 at 11:53 pm

    Oh cool!

    And yeah I figured, I’ve just spent most of my time at poletential and my home studio pole star fitness

  • minicoopergrl

    December 6, 2012 at 6:02 am

    I met alot of the Poletential staff at PoleCon.  They really made me feel welcomed to the studio anytime (im on the East Coast, so I could show up if im on tour).


    They make headphones that claim they wont fall out, even when your upside down.  They are from Yur Buds.  They retail for about $30.  I have them on my Christmas list.  But when I had open time, we usually just shared space.  I always brought my ipod and a CD copy incase I was the only one there.  But If I wasnt I would use my ipod and speakers and keep it a moderate level as long as the other person did the same. 

    Again as someone said, its a liabilty against the studio if someone hurts themselves not in a class setting.  I know at my former home studio, we would sign a waiver stating we understood there was no instructor and they were not liable for any accidents that happened.  I know when we had open time we would help each other with routines and if we are stuck in a move.  


    As for your personal belongings, I would just tell them your just particular about your stuff.  It shouldnt be a big deal. Its not like your plopping your stuff down next 3 poles and making it  harder for people to dance to.

  • CD Hussey fka Jivete

    December 6, 2012 at 7:57 am

    Wow. I wish we had a Poletential here. I guess we're lucky to have multiple aerial arts studios and a few pole studios, but combined into one mega awesome studio would be, well, awesome.



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