Forums Discussions Stumped!!!!

  • Stumped!!!!

    Posted by curvydva on May 22, 2009 at 1:13 am

    So I finally got a pole (Thanks Veena!) after wanting one for over a year. I’m excited, but it’s only been up an hour and I’m already stumped! My ceilings are really low so I’ve only got about 7ft of pole to work with but I’m used to working on a 10-12ft pole! What do I do? Not to sound "snooty" or anything lol, but I’m too advanced to do only spins and forget about any combination inverts; I’m practically hitting the floor before the first move is even done! I tried the superman fall into the scorpio and I think I got it, but I don’t know because I can’t really "fall" because the floor is so close. A little help would be greatly appreciated!

    Foxy_Rei replied 15 years, 9 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Rouge_LAmour

    May 22, 2009 at 7:08 am

    WOW!!! It’s you…. yes, we more Rubenesque women watch you and think, she does it so well….

    um, only thing I could think of was shoulder mounts / respect from the floor…

    Sucky on the low ceiling…

  • curvydva

    May 22, 2009 at 2:40 pm

    Aww thanks

    I think I’m going to be doing a lot of moves from the floor. I might just develop a whole new style lol.

  • Veena

    May 22, 2009 at 3:10 pm

    Hmmm how tall are you? My first pole room had ceiling that were just under 8 ft. I’m 5′ 8". When I wore heels and extended my arms, I could almost touch the top of the pole. So I could do cartwheels, caterpillars and straight edges BUT I could only caterpillar down, and my hand place meant on the cartwheel/handspring was super low. I kicked the ceiling A LOT. I even had a piece of ceiling fly into my eye because I hit the ceiling! Its annoying but unless your super tall it can be done, just adjust everything so your hand placement its lower. Combos can be tough on a short pole. You could work on a the shoulder mount into superman, then you would be high on the pole, and you could work on the fall into scorpio! Good luck and don’t hit your feet on the ceiling too much. You could also work on spin mode to, it would give you something new to focus on and you don’t need as much space for that.

  • curvydva

    May 22, 2009 at 3:34 pm

    I’m 5’5. I totally gave up on the idea of wearing heels because I can touch the top of the pole barefoot lol. I’m not sure if I can do a straight edge with the space I have. The pole was slippery and I haven’t been on one in a week so I need a few days to get my strength back. I’ll be SO disappointed if I can’t do it! I’ll definitely work on the moves you’d given me and give spin mode a try (I’ve been TERRIFIED of it in the past but I could use the challenge). I wish I could try a death lay, but since the xpole has that dome I don’t think it’ll work. Thanks a ton Veena!

  • amcut

    May 22, 2009 at 8:05 pm

    My ceiling is pretty short. Maybe 8 feet tops? Whatever. I can touch the ceiling.

    Literally, where my hand naturally rests for spins is the top four inches of pole. The rest is stupid PS superpole threading. Typically by the second decision in an invert, my booty is a foot from the floor.

    Oh well. At least it’s not that scary to fall from it.

  • Foxy_Rei

    May 23, 2009 at 12:38 am

    I have the same problem: I’m 5’4" and ceilings are 7′ even. I had to buy an extension to use as the bottom piece, so the actual piece of the regular pole is sitting unused in the case… I also have several inches of the adjuster screw showing so that makes it hard, too. I wish the adjuster cover felt more secure to hold onto, I use that extra 3-4 inches! I just left the adjuster cover off because it overlaps the real pole and I don’t like holding onto it…

    I’m not advanced enough yet to do the combos you want to do, but it’s annoying for regular stuff for me, too! I kick the ceiling if I’m not careful when I invert. I want to try the body wave but I can’t get a grip high enough on the pole to lift my feet off the floor. I also can’t even do a double climb, my head hits the ceiling. I can barely get high enough off the floor to do a cross ankle release. You see me struggling to climb up that last few inches in all my videos with it in there!

    So I don’t have any tips, but I can relate. Good luck and I’ll be checking this thread for advice, myself!

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