Forums Discussions Suggestions for keeping up strength during injury recovery?

  • Suggestions for keeping up strength during injury recovery?

    Posted by Kimmaaaaay on August 20, 2015 at 10:17 am

    I figured that this would be exactly the kind of place to ask my fellow pole enthusiasts for suggestions.
    I broke my toe 4 weeks ago, and the ER doctor originally told me it would take about 4 weeks to heal. Unfortunately, a follow-up visit to a doctor revealed that while the bone takes 4 weeks to heal, all the muscle damage around the toe means another 6-8 weeks before I’m allowed back on the pole :'(
    This is driving me nuts as, just prior to the injury, I’d managed to push past a major progress plateau and really start reaping the benefits of doing pole every other day! I’m scared that when I finally am able to get back on the pole in 6-8 weeks, I’ll have lost all of that progress and I’ll be extra weak from being unable to practice (I tried getting back on the pole last week, and flexing my foot hurts too much to hold well while doing many inverted things).
    Do people here have suggestions for exercises that I can do to try and maintain strength while I’m off the pole? I don’t have access to gym equipment, and I can’t use my own pole right now because I am currently on the road. Here are the things I can’t really do on my broken toe right now:

    – Bear weight on flexed foot (example: straight pushup position)
    – Absorb impact with busted foot (example: running, lunges etc)
    – Stand for long periods of time on busted foot

    I’ve resorted to flexibility exercises and crunches, but perhaps folks here have some suggestions to broaden my sad little exercise routine?

    Thanks in advance!

    CallMeKadee replied 9 years, 5 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies

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