Forums Discussions Swan Dive

  • Swan Dive

    Posted by minicoopergrl on October 27, 2011 at 8:45 am

    aka Inverted crucifix drop.  I want to add this to a routine, If I dont get it by Jan I have a back up move just in case.  I havent really seen anyone do this move.  I know its kinda of scary, but I only want do drop a few inches (just for a wow factor really).

    I know I need the ab work to get my legs up and over from up top.  Or maybe theres another way to get into this move.


    Any tips, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


    minicoopergrl replied 13 years, 3 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • RoseMay

    October 27, 2011 at 9:14 am

    Do you mean the drop where it looks like you fall down headfirst in the inverted crucifix?

    If yes, Leigh Ann does a very impressive (and scary one in this video, at around 2:50

    I don't know anything else that could help as I can't do the move.

  • Sassafrassle

    October 27, 2011 at 1:45 pm

    It's not that bad really – just gotta trust in your legs! I did it in a show (see this clip around 2:53 and while it looks better when you've got a higher pole (and legs that go on for miles like Leigh Ann;p), regular folks can do it too! I think mostly it's a confidence thing – you need to get high in your invert (so invert at the top of the pole or caterpillar up there) so there's plenty of room to play with, be VERY confident in your hands free crucifix and then it's a case of loosening a little with your thighs then clamping back on. I would try it in tiny little increments of loosen-clamp-loosen-clamp before dropping further, just to get the feeling for it. When you're more confident, you can try dropping further. My fav ways for ending it are to either put your hands out at the bottom and gently slide your body away from the pole (weight isn't in your hands, they're just there for bracing) like I do in my clip, or something I've been trying lately, is to stop a bit short of the ground and shoulder dismount off, almost as if you're doing drop then forward roll off the pole – it's awesome fun but can be a littler bruisey on the shoulder if you don't hit the angle quite right!!


    Anyway, hope this helps and good luck! I do love this one:)

  • emotioncatcher

    October 27, 2011 at 3:05 pm

    @sassafrassle: would have loved to watch your video, i get to you channel, but it doesn´t pick a video… which one is it?

    i saw a video on youtube (why do i always forget in which?) where a girl started in a deathlay and then dropped directly into that crucifix drop and ended it also with a shoulder dismount. she had a really high pole and it looked soooo impressive!

  • emotioncatcher

    October 27, 2011 at 3:15 pm

    found the video! it´s the last trick she does:

    @minicoopergrl: you could also try some other drops which aren´t upside down first, then get used to the feeling. like dropping from a (not inverted) crucifix into the drama quenn. looks also very pretty

  • Sassafrassle

    October 27, 2011 at 3:38 pm

    oops, that's what I get for trying to link in a hurry! How 'bout this link

  • cupcake11

    October 28, 2011 at 2:38 pm

    sassafrassle-cute video, impressive move! Now I want to try it!

  • minicoopergrl

    November 2, 2011 at 6:49 am

    Sorry its been so long to respond but THANK YOU!!!  Im going to start working on it low and work my way up for heights. I know my lower abs are gonna need alot of work  to get this move.

    My thought is to shoulder dismount down.  If I still have pole left when I dismount I was going to slide down (so I dont bust my knees doing it) and then maybe a crazy split. 

    In my head ive got this but I need to practice my inverts!


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