Forums Discussions TEXAS POLE JAM

  • Sapphirecatzeye

    April 19, 2010 at 10:45 pm

    How long do you guys think it should be? Three hours? Also, do we want early morning like 9-12 or late afternoon like 4-7 (or later). I believe it’s going to be $35/person again but I still need to double check on that.


    Gelina- yes
    Mindy — yes
    Ashlee – yes!

    I dont want anyone to have to change schedule for me, but if it could be like 4-7 would be great, because i have to drive 5hrs from houston… I dont want to have to get a hotel the night before, but i really want to come so if i have to ..
    Just keep us updated with times

  • jvks1mom

    April 19, 2010 at 11:09 pm

    I would love to come but I won’t be able to confirm my attendance until closer to the date. I will also be coming from houston as well.

    I will be starting the summer session of school and will have to find a babysitter.

    Will this session be ok for beginners? If everyone is advanced as sapphire I would probably hold everyone back I would love to come though.

  • SimpllySweet

    April 19, 2010 at 11:41 pm

    How long do you guys think it should be? Three hours? Also, do we want early morning like 9-12 or late afternoon like 4-7 (or later). I believe it’s going to be $35/person again but I still need to double check on that.


    Gelina- yes
    Mindy — yes
    Ashlee – yes!
    Tiffany – yes

    Count me in!

  • Mindy4pole

    April 20, 2010 at 5:39 am

    Morning is a killer for me, so I always will vote for later.

    I have a suggestion — we should dance FOR each other as well as with each other. Nothing fancy (unless you wanted to), just turn on some music, and have a couple of girls dance at once, and the rest watch. Rinse and repeat!

    What do you think?

  • Cynthia D

    April 20, 2010 at 4:32 pm

    so i’ve been felling really anti-social. i miss classes. but i have to stay home with the kids but i think a pole jam would do me some good. this week i’ve finally had some opprotunity to practice and makes me feel a little better. maybe i should hit up the studio whenever i feel like dealing with traffic… road rager here. but i would love to see all you beautiful texans. i didn’t make it to the last one but with any luck angelina will distract my husband with dirty panty hose so i can leave him with the kids. haha ha! remember the panty hose jokes gelina?! wear some dirty panty hose on your head when you steal me! hah! ok i hope every one has a nice day!

  • MissJulie

    April 20, 2010 at 6:07 pm

    I wanna throw it out here too….. we don’t have enough ppl currently signed up but maybe I can make it happen… who is interested in an Alethea workshop in Austin, Texas??? remember, we also have Pantera here too so it’s possible you can get training from both Alethea and Pantera in our studio.

  • Sapphirecatzeye

    April 20, 2010 at 7:41 pm

    Morning is a killer for me, so I always will vote for later.

    I have a suggestion — we should dance FOR each other as well as with each other. Nothing fancy (unless you wanted to), just turn on some music, and have a couple of girls dance at once, and the rest watch. Rinse and repeat!

    What do you think?

    sounds like a fun plan!

  • Gelina

    April 20, 2010 at 9:45 pm

    Okay, if I can hitch a ride with someone then I can make a 4-7 Jam, as long as my bf isn’t going out that night, if I continuously tell him from now till June then he should remember.

    Jvks1mom- Saldivar and I are beginners. No one discriminates. PLEASE COME!

    Saldivar-hahahahaha, dirty panty hose and a water gun. Tell him watch out or I’ll squirt him in the eye! Start telling him now so that he doesn’t ruine it this time. You know Simply Sweet brought her husband last time so he could record the jam. Hand him a camera and tell him to just stand there and look pretty! LOL

    Miss Julie- If I could hitch a ride to Austin I’M SO THERE!

  • solsticedark

    April 20, 2010 at 9:54 pm

    I am hoping I can go. *crosses fingers* But for me it will all depend on finances. Saturday is one of the nights I work so I will have to take a night off to go.

  • ErinNickle

    April 21, 2010 at 2:56 am

    Hello, I am new to the site. I’ve been dancing for a little less than a year now. I dance with girls from Verical Fitness Dallas but would like to check out what other people are doing. I would love to join your session. Would that be okay?

  • Mindy4pole

    April 21, 2010 at 4:22 am

    Hey Erin — We’d love to have you!! The more the merrier!

    Miss Julie — I might be able to make an Austin workshop. My in-laws live in San Antonio, and they would always love a visit. They don’t know about my poling yet, though! =)

    Ahhhh… pole jam… I can’t wait!


  • Gelina

    April 21, 2010 at 5:21 pm

    Erin you should totally come. We are fun bunch! Bring some friends!

    I agree w/ you Mindy, I CAN’T WAIT!!! I smile ear to ear everytime I read the forum and I see our list growing!

  • Voodoochild

    April 24, 2010 at 3:15 am

    Alright ladies! I finally got a final price and time!

    $40 per girl (i hope thats ok?)
    Saturday, June 19, 2010
    from 4:00-7:00

    We had to raise the price because its later during the day when we schedule parties and stuff, so, i hope its cool!!!

    I cant WAIT to see you all again! And all you newbies!!


  • Sapphirecatzeye

    April 24, 2010 at 1:38 pm

    Yea! i am excited! And I would love to share my stretch routine with you all before pole play if you guys want. I cant wait to play on some hoops too!

  • Voodoochild

    April 28, 2010 at 5:55 pm

    Alright ladies, hopefully this will be the last change!!

    We had to move it to 530-830 instead of 4-7. We had a party scheduled from 3-5 so I had to move the jam back. I HOPE that this dosent interfere with anyones schedule! If you need a ride let us know! Texas is the friendly state after all!!

    Sorry about the change!


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