Forums Discussions TG X-Pole

  • TG X-Pole

    Posted by horsecrazy12987 on May 8, 2011 at 10:19 am

    All right, so I posted a thread a little while ago that I was thinking about selling my ss Lil' Mynx, and I think I have pretty much decided to take the plunge and do it; I have a friend in town that wants it, so I wouldn't even have to worry about shipping, and if I can sell it, then I have a nice chunk of money to put toward the new pole. I've pretty much settled on the titanium, as I want something grippier; stainless steel and my sweaty hands just do not get on. This has been an on-going battle for over a year and I'm tired of it; I don't want to deal with the same issues with chrome, so that is why I have settled on the TG after doing quite a bit of browsing this forum as well as others.

    However, I have heard a couple of people mention that TG is not the best pole for beginners because of the grip; my sister is now starting to get into pole dancing and seems to be really hooked on it, and while she wants her own pole eventually, we're not sure she'll be able to fit one in her apartment, which is pretty small. I was thinking that I could bring my x pole over once I have it and we would see if we could set it up–if it's not she'll just have to come over to my place to practice until she moves somewhere else. She is an absolute beginner–as in she's been on my Lil' Mynx about twice and has learned a fireman spin and a couple of different ways to move around the pole and that's it. 

    Is the TG going to be an issue for her? I know the most important thing is to get a pole I'll get on with since I'm the one who's going to be using it the most often, but I'm excited to finally have someone to pole with and I want her to be able to use it to. I don't think it should be that much of an issue, should it? Some studios use brass, so newbie students would be learning on that, which is even grippier.    

    chemgoddess1 replied 13 years, 10 months ago 6 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • JeHanne

    May 8, 2011 at 8:08 pm

    Pole surface and size is often a matter of personal preference. Stick with the finish that appeals to you since you will be the owner and using it more often. If she later decides to purchase a pole she can purchase a finish that appeals to her.

    Happy to hear that you will have a pole buddy and also a new pole! 


  • hookedonpole

    May 9, 2011 at 1:11 am

    I remember the decision making when I was going to replace my ss lil mynx, debating between titanium gold or chrome.  I went with titanium gold and glad I did.  I'd been poling for about two years, but still struggle with death grip, etc.

    I have to admit when I first got it I got scared cuz it was so different from stainless steel and my body took a beating.  But as I got used to it, that's when I began to accomplish a lot more.  It can be a little tricky for spins cuz of the grip and I still use a little grip aide for sweaty hands, but I'm not a person focused on spins for now, so it's okay.

    A few times it was so grippy I felt like I was sticking to it like glue.  But after dealing with frustration of slippery stainless steel, I'll take it.  I wonder about chrome, but am afraid I'll go back to slippery for me.

    Everyone is so different, some love chrome, some tita gold, some brass, heck I've even read about others who love their stainless steel lil mynx.  I've also had a gal I met who has lil mynx and came to practice on my titan gold and loves it.  She is somewhat beginner at this point.

    It comes down to preference, and agree with JeHanne, it's nice of you to think of your new "pole buddy", however, since you'll be primary owner, get what works for you.  Good luck 🙂

  • Cocoa0

    May 9, 2011 at 2:00 am

    Steel gets grippier with use! We have SS lil mynx at the studio I go to and they are the grippiest poles I’ve ever come across. I have a SS platinum stages pole at home and it is slippery as hell, but with the proper grip aid combo (iTac 2 and Tite Grip) it rocks. I would say don’t sell your pole based on grip surface. If you want a different size, go for it. But I’m sure you can make that lil mynx work.

  • Cocoa0

    May 9, 2011 at 2:00 am

    Steel gets grippier with use! We have SS lil mynx at the studio I go to and they are the grippiest poles I’ve ever come across. I have a SS platinum stages pole at home and it is slippery as hell, but with the proper grip aid combo (iTac 2 and Tite Grip) it rocks. I would say don’t sell your pole based on grip surface. If you want a different size, go for it. But I’m sure you can make that lil mynx work.

  • Cocoa0

    May 9, 2011 at 2:01 am

    P.S. Multi Piece poles have their disadvantages.

  • Cocoa0

    May 9, 2011 at 2:01 am

    P.S. Multi Piece poles have their disadvantages.

  • Cocoa0

    May 9, 2011 at 2:01 am

    P.S. Multi Piece poles have their disadvantages.

  • minicoopergrl

    May 9, 2011 at 6:17 am

    I would choose the finish that you prefer, since you are the one thats buying it.


    Ive been babied by brass up until the past year.  Its was a bit tough for me going from the grippiest finish on the market to some slip.  But i have to say chrome and I have become good friends.  I choose chrome b/c  I eventually want to compete one day and they mostly use chrome or ss.  

  • horsecrazy12987

    May 9, 2011 at 9:36 am

    Thanks for your replies guys! Cocoa, if it was purely for grip purposes I would probably just continue to tough it out with my ss, but the pole is also static only, and I want to try spin mode. I'm sure there are disadvantages to a multi-piece, but there are also disadvantages to having to find some place to stick an eight foot piece of metal where it's out of the way if I need my living room. I also want to travel with it–I will probably (hopefully, if everything turns out the way I want it to,) be moving within a year or two, and it would be a lot easier to travel with an X pole than the Lil' Mynx. I also want to be able to take it over to my sister's apartment, and the Lil' Mynx isn't really one you can do that with, since you'd have to be drilling into ceilings everywhere you take it, obviously.

    I've used multiple grip aids, I've lightly sanded it–which did make it grippier, the only problem is that it still often feels like it's sweating. It did that the other day while I was trying to practice extended butterfly combinations, and I was having a lot of trouble slipping around. There's fairly grippy pole underneath what feels like a layer of slime, and this happens all the time. I think it's a combination of the climate and my sweaty hands. It's finally starting to warm up a little here, but it's still been pretty cold some days, which isn't helping. And the weather is very dry, no matter whether it's cold or hot; we have pretty much zero humidity.

  • Cocoa0

    May 9, 2011 at 10:07 am

    Sweaty pole is a pain in the @ss. I just had it happen to me yesterday. I used iTac lightly and warmed up the pole really well which seemed to help. I think it has more to do with temp/humidity issues than grip surface tho. It sounds like we live in similar climates and have similar issues.
    I would suggest looking into Platinum Stages brass pole tho. I have not had good experiences with Xpoles. I have only used the chrome (terrible grip) but overall the pole felt a little flimsy. I was scared to do anything hardcore on it and just yesterday the girl who owns it said it fell down on her. She wasn’t on it at the time (thank god) so I am a little weary of Xpoles. The spin function is not as easy to switch to either. On a PS pole you just pull a pin and poof your spinning. My 2 year old does it for me all the time. On the Xpole I believe there is some screwing/unscrewing involved. Also I did not like the holes all over the pole, I found them quite uncomfortable. All that being said I’ve heard some terrible things about their customer service. I bought mine second hand so I can only say the girl I bought mine from said they were amazing to her. They sent her a free extension when she wasn’t comfortable using it at the max height without one.
    I hope you find a pole you are happy with!

  • horsecrazy12987

    May 9, 2011 at 10:14 am

    I've tried iTac because so many people like it, but unfortunately it's just not for me; the gunk it leaves behind on my pole just seems to cause more problems. It's weird how grip aids work for different people–one person has perfect grip with it, and someone else has even worse grip! Just goes to show how different we all are, I guess.

    I'd be really nervous about getting a PS pole–I have heard some really awful things about their customer service–you're actually the first person I've seen so far who has said they've heard bad things about X pole's customer service. I usually hear really good things about their customer service. Anyone else have experience with PS poles and their customer service?

  • horsecrazy12987

    May 9, 2011 at 10:25 am

    Oh, and sorry for the double post, but I just wanted to let everyone who replies to this thread know that I'm taking off on vacation for a week in about a half hour and probably won't really have internet access so anyone who replies to this, I appreciate all your help, and I'll take all your suggestions into consideration when I get back.

  • Cocoa0

    May 9, 2011 at 10:26 am

    Sorry, I meant that I’ve heard bad things about PS customer service.
    I wouldn’t let that sway me from a PS pole tho. They are great poles.

  • chemgoddess1

    May 9, 2011 at 11:51 am

    Get what you want.  I have not had issues with chrome but almost always do with stainless.  SS seems to be finikier for me.  As far as the pole coming down, that is not an XPole issue but a not putting up the pole properly issue. 


    I will say though that this past weekend at the Karol workshop I was at a girl ripped her hand open on a brass pole.  It had gotten so hot and so grippy that she literally ripped her skin on the flashy part of her hand.

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