• Posted by Taystee on February 13, 2014 at 5:43 pm

    this might be a “TMI” for some but i have been wondering and i must know peoples answers.. do you pole Or anything when its your time of the month or do you take off that week, cause i know veena mentioned sometimes your body can be sensitive to the pole. Thanks to anyone who answers 🙂

    calipolepixie replied 11 years ago 14 Members · 17 Replies
  • 17 Replies
  • Runemist34

    February 13, 2014 at 6:23 pm

    Generally I don’t care what time of the month it is, but I know of a few reasons for why people would want to take that time off:
    First, yoga philosophy states that going upside down during that time can screw things up, and this has become semi-cultural in the West, in that a lot of people who don’t know where this rumour started, or aren’t into yoga, still hold to this belief. However, as far as I’m aware, medical science hasn’t found anything wrong with being upside down (it’s totally up to the person, though!)
    Secondly, you are a lot more sensitive to pain when you are close to that time of the month. Honestly, if you’re booking piercings, tattoos, or anything else you believe will be painful, I would say aim for mid-cycle. For pole, some people just find themselves more sensitive and can deal with it, and others find themselves really hurting. It all depends on you!
    Lastly, is the other physical factors. I know that my cycle is really tough on the system- I get lethargic, and my core works so hard on that task that it doesn’t want to do anything else. I get hot easily and for a long time, I’m whiny and undermotivated, and… I just don’t want to do things. Rock climbing is hard, poling is hard, getting off the couch is hard. Sometimes, I have cramps so bad I can’t move (not when I’m on the pill, though, thank goodness!), and sometimes… none of this stuff happens and it’s awesome!


  • jesikah6

    February 13, 2014 at 6:25 pm

    This will DEFINITELY fit into the TMI category, but I tend to stay away from all kinds of activity on Day 2-3 because my flow can be INSANE on those days. I only stay away because I don’t want to have to break away from my practice frequently to check to see if I’m leaking or whatever. Since its only 1 to 2 days for me that I take off, I use that time for other stuff like flexibility training or a nice long session with my foam roller to ease the tender muscles that can come with my cycle. HTH!

  • Krista Bocko

    February 13, 2014 at 6:33 pm

    I don’t notice extra sensitivity or anything, but I DO notice weakness. Moves that I can usually do feel 1,000 times harder or impossible.

  • Taystee

    February 13, 2014 at 6:55 pm

    I know i apologize, but i had to ask. Im glad i did ask though because i gained knowledge. Good point about it only being 1-2 days cause that fits me and if sensitive finding other stuff to work on sounds good. Thanks ladies & sorry again for the question lol :/

  • jesikah6

    February 13, 2014 at 6:58 pm

    I didn’t mean your question was TMI, I meant that what I was about to share (re: my flow) would fit into the TMI category. Although…I love this community and I’m not sure if there is anything that is “really” TMI. LOL

  • Veena

    February 13, 2014 at 7:00 pm

    Don’t apologize!! I only have one day of heavy flow and it makes me tired, the rest of my period I’m pretty normal energy wise. However, if I stub my toe or smack my hand against something I notice my pain tolerance is way lower!

  • Dancing Paws

    February 13, 2014 at 10:01 pm

    I don’t, mostly because I get unusually weak during that time. Not just tired, but it’s like my muscles just don’t have the oomph they usually do.

  • JenLFG

    February 14, 2014 at 8:19 am

    i usually do a very light pole day if i’m feeling all bloated, tender & blah. i try to at least go in my pole room & do a warmup dance or two & stretch 🙂

  • PoleFitMom

    February 14, 2014 at 12:22 pm

    Typically I will bruise like crazy the week leading up to my period. So it is a very good period tracker for me! I never have sensitivity to my body being on poles or aerials, but the first day or 2 it always feels like my uterus is just going to fall right out of my body.

  • PoleFitMom

    February 14, 2014 at 12:24 pm

    I also teach, so I don’t have a choice for taking time off when it is that time of the month!

  • DiddyBo

    February 14, 2014 at 3:50 pm

    My thighs get incredibly sensitive around my time!! So I tend to avoid hang backs and anything that requires pure thighness lol! But I find pole the best form of relaxation, anti anxiety, De stress!! Ever, so I also find it can help me on the more ‘hormonal’ days lol. X

  • blondebird

    February 15, 2014 at 9:09 am

    I don’t take time off at this time although I can’t seem to do as much! This site is great though as we can talk about more or less anything

  • ErinHClark007

    February 15, 2014 at 10:52 am

    I’ve noticed that poling while I’m menstruating actually makes be feel better. It probably has something to do with the fact that I’m loosening up my muscles before 7:30 a.m., as early morning is the only time I have to pole and stretch. For me, getting nice and limber helps with the cramps, and especially with the lower back stiffness that comes from the cramping. Also, it helps with the first day back on the pill. I’m usually slightly to more-than-moderately nauseous when I start the pills again, but something about the combination of drinking lots of water and poling has helped me there, too.

  • Phoenix Hunter

    February 15, 2014 at 5:26 pm

    sometimes I might miss a day or two because I have bad cramps, heavy bleeding , and I am just too fatigued. but I miss other days throughout the month too because I’m sore or tired. I just see how I feel day to day. I find that I am very weak a day or two before my period starts. cant even climb the pole. and I get really hot. must be the dramatic fluctuation of hormones.

  • opielee

    February 15, 2014 at 10:02 pm

    I pinpoint on my calendar when it’ll come so that way I know not to do pole and as for yoga,either not do it or take it easy

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