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Tail spin help
Posted by Krista Bocko on January 13, 2012 at 1:40 pmI'm trying to figure this move out:
Looks like bum isn't touching the pole? I can't even get close, how do you get legs up like that? And, it's an intermediate move? Holy….
Krista Bocko replied 13 years, 1 month ago 4 Members · 15 Replies -
15 Replies
Disclaimer: I can't get remotely close to her level of legs being up ….. but tilting the pelvis upward plus reallllly engaging the lower abs and hip flexors are what, IME get the legs up. Having good turnout helps too, because you can rotate your legs out more in the hip socket, which gives them more mobility.
This move KILLS my back. Jamilla teaches this in one of her dvds and it took me months (and many many many painful roll overs onto lady bits) to find my balance on this move. This really is the pole sitting more on your tail bone or right above your crack and then trying to find your balance. For me it is easier to get into from a release than from a sit…my butt is already very close to the position it needs to be in. My hands are also very close to my cooch in order to get the proper angles. I know I asked about this move quite some time ago…let me see if I can dig up that thread.
Well, that was pretty easy:
Thanks! I searched for this move too awhile back I think…sometimes though when I look at older threads the links don't work anymore….anyway, I would like to get those Jamilla DVD's! However, I don't really want to buy the whole set of 5 ($$) , though maybe I should!
chem– the tail spin is a static hold on spin pole where your hands are the onlything touching the pole. you're talking about a tail sit, where you do haev contact with your ummm butt? tailbone? on the pole.
to do this as a hands only spin– you need REALLY strong lower abs. work straight leg lifts. if you use hip flexors and quads it will be much more difficult. it also helps to start with the leading leg bent, tuck your tail under super hard, and THEN develop into a straight leg. you MUST round your back, scoop your belly, and tuck your hips under to pull your legs up from your core. the top arm holds you up, but the bottom arm is pushing your body out so you have space to round your hips under.
i have a horrible straddle (REALLY horrible) and i think this spin is pretty whtehr you have a wide straddle or not; you're not lifting straight legs up and moving through your straddle to get your legs up, you're actually bending both and then straightening so having a wide straddle isn't a requirement =)
all the girls i know who can do this are able to do a straight legged chopper easily and can also do a shoulder mount without any kicking. these aren't requirements, but it gives you an idea of teh ab strength involved =)
oh i'll also add that if you have a good amount of spin going into this, it helps to make your body lighter and makes it easier to get into position.
Jamilla calls this a tail spin in her dvds (that is where I got the name)…I cannot even imagine doing this as a spin.
This is a really good picture from the side. You can see where the pole is sitting on your bum more clearly.
So Chem, you do this as a pose, like a wrist sit? I can't imagine having the pole, um, there.
And it can be done arms only on spin, and also offset one one bum cheek as a spin on either spin or static, like this at 5:00:
I need to work on this! Thanks for the tips.
when you do the version with your body touching the pole, it's actually in the crack of your butt, below any of the important ummm places. it doesn't hurt. if it hurts you're doing it WRONGGGG. ow. same idea– you have to tuck your hips and lean waaaay back before you lift your legs.
I cannot access videos while I am at work, but yes, I do it as a static pose. I think in one of the videos I have from So You Think You Can Pole Dance (in my videos) I did it. Of course I cannot point you in the right direction for that either.
I have seen Steven Retchless do this quite often but he has a ridiculous abgle because of his flexibility. Also, at the end of the video I linked in this thread she does a version that is super cool.
If you get the pole in your neathage (the under crack of your butt cheek) ou can do this in a split. Bobbi from oz was the first one i saw do it, but it’s a fun variation 🙂
Ah, you can’t see vids at work! I was wondering why you were posting info on the one with your bottom on the pole when the original post included a video link to the spinning pole hands only version. Nooooow I get it.
And I never linked the one thrad wit the video. It is this one:
And I do it at abour 2:40 in this video:
But again, these are the static ones.
I do the spinning one at 2:10 -
I love it!! Such a pretty move.
I know I'm strong, but I can't see this move happening yet. My list of 'to learn' moves is getting longer, LOL.
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