Forums Discussions Teaching my first official POLE BOOTCAMP classes!

  • Teaching my first official POLE BOOTCAMP classes!

    Posted by JBStarryEyedGirl on November 3, 2011 at 12:29 pm

    Whooooo weee! I have been so busy, I feel like I haven't made the time to post here! But my exciting news, I will be teaching a pole bootcamp series for my pole studio! I have taught pole parties for over a year now, and have been training to sub for cardio stripfit classes, so this will be the first class of my own! 

    It's a 4 week session, once a week for pole beginners. I really hope I can instill a sense of community and support, and also foster a love for a pole! My dream is for my pole students to really enjoy coming to class, to feel confident and sexy, to gain strength and flexibility, and for us to become like family! 

    I've been putting in a lot of thought of what I would want to learn/ what fundamentals I think are very important (pole safety first!). I don't want to only focus on tricks, there is so much more to pole than being able to do tricks. And I don't want anyone to feel like they aren't progressing "fast enough", I want everyone to feel challenged and excited to be there. I really want to emphasize flexibility, sensuality, and dance flow/ creating choreography.

    Side notes: The location I will be using only has 2 50mm chrome static poles, however we also have a PS star stage 45mm stainless steel (which I will lock into static position for class)

    I think this will make it challenging, but I think I can keep a better eye on the students, and they get to try a variety of poles! Very cool. 

    Here is a basic outline of what i am thinking of for my class:

    5 min: Warm up and stretch

    10 min: Pole warm ups (Basic climb/crucifix position, basic pole sit, Fan kicks, Tuck lifts)


    10 min: Dance (Body rolls, hip movements, pole poses, transitions, floor work)

    10 min: Pole Spins (Basic spins, to be varied each class>?)

    10 min: Static holds (Basic Plank practice from floor, superman practice from push up position)

    10 min: Ab exercises (on mats, and utilizing walls for handstands, elbowstands, bridges, pike sit ups, sexy ab moves)

    5 min: cool down and stretch


    And since I only have 3 poles, I will have to come up with some sort of circuit training in order to keep the other students engaged. I don't want them all standing around doing nothing, but I don't want to work them s hard they dont get a rest! LOL.

    This is going to be very challenging indeed! The most I can do is show up for class and see how it goes!!

    BUT I'm SO excited! New potential pole buddies! =)

    JBStarryEyedGirl replied 13 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • MochaKat

    November 3, 2011 at 11:52 pm

    Congrats on your first solo class sounds like you are really excited and have put a lot into planning. Is it for all levels or are you focusing on beginners. I may include some prep work into the class like for the bigger moves inverts, shoulder mount etc….I’m sure you will do great!!

  • JBStarryEyedGirl

    November 5, 2011 at 11:13 am

    I’m not sure what experience or capability the girls will have, the first class will be my chance to assess everyone’s individual abilities. I think most will be newbies to pole, some may be members that have some knowledge as far as spins, basic moves, etc.

    I’m definitely not ready to teach anyone shouldermounts yet.. But I will focus on being comfortable in a handstand (so they can get used to being inverted!), and learning to get into Gemini/scorpio position from the floor.

    I’m definitely not the type to encourage people to jump into inverts too early. I want to make sure everyone feels safe, we don’t have crash mats, and I dont want newbies trying to spot each other. No injuries please! Lol.

    I guess it will really just depend on the girls, I definitely wont hold anyone back if they have the strength and interest in doing those moves. 🙂

    My main concern is strength training, confidence boosting, burning calories and having FUN!
    My class is a no judgement zone! I absolutely want them to all support each other! No pole cliques, no snarky comments!

    It’s all about pole love!

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