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Teddy Drops…ok other drops too
Posted by Black Orchid on February 22, 2013 at 12:04 pmDOes anyone else like this move and have some good tips on technique and transitions? I love how AM Davies does it. Super-dramatic!
On a side note, I find that when I work on the "sad girl" or bomb drop I am having trouble really releasing sufficiently with my thighs to drop dramatically for the catch. I can't figure out if this is psychological or if my body is all : "Aw hell no!" and not letting me drop…LOL.
WHat are some of your other favorite drops? And how many is "too many" in a routine for you ( freestyle, competition, performance)…
PlatinumAni replied 12 years ago 13 Members · 22 Replies -
22 Replies
I love the Teddy Drop, but my upper arm doesn't. Just keep working on it.
I don't think I have ever seen the Teddy Drop – can you post a link?
The whole thing is worth watching but teh drop happens at 6:20
I love drops.
Some of my favorites are: rocket/yogini to hip lock, poisson/foot hang to hip lock, star drop, Tatarintseva drop, chop drop, and twist drop. Recently, I've been trying to figure out a machine gun to cradle/doughnut drop.
The trouble you're having with not being able to drop is probably psychological. I've had a similar problem with catching too soon- I think the only thing that helps is practice. You might want to try doing your drops over a mat, so you feel more secure.
i don't believe that was a teddy drop- i think that was more of a chopper drop
badazz taught me a teddy drop to crucifix- you have to pike the legs up to the ceiling and weave the outside hand behind the outside knee to the pole then drop to crux.
That sounds cool…can you post a video?
Aerial Amy taught that drop to us as a Teddy Drop ( I think) so that's why Id been calling it that. Sounds like its about the hand placement? I kinda like it regardless. I just need to remember to keep my legs engaged even at teh end!
i could totally be wrong… fyi 😀
i was hunting around the youtube and couldnt find anything. i'll try to post a video on here
Yeah I wouldn't call it a Teddy drop, she's not holding on with the arm pit at all, just the hands. So it's a V invert aka chopper drop.
I love the sad girl drop, Holly drop and superman fall lately. Would love to get the darn machine gun and find a way to drop haha!
Ditto Alicia Polerina, I love those too….there's another drop similar to the holly drop, where you end in gemini I think? Assuming you end in scorpio with the holly drop…I can never remember.
You can do both an upright and inverted crucific drop.
I would love to be able to do a drop but don’t know how to start and with which one. Any suggestions? Are there any tutorials for an easy one?
I think the dove drop is amazing. If you lack the flexibility for dove, you can always do superman –> scorpio instead. OR (and I don’t know the name of this drop) you go from superman to allegra. It’s tricky on a spinning pole, but the WOW factor is worth it 🙂
Depending on what length of pole you have, just dropping from inverted crucifix and stopping a few inches from the ground is a show stopper. I also like Jenyne’s drop combo…off the top of my head, I think she is either sitting or in figure head, then she leans sideways around the pole into brass money, and then drops again into flag. She does this in a few of her videos, but the most recent is uh…the eye candy one in tokyo. I’d get the link but I’m at work :/
I’ve always wondered if its poss to drop from teddy into hip hold. I’m probably being a bit too imaginative!
Probably– you could do a modification of it from revese corkscrew to scorpio. But it would be teddy?
Superman to Allegra?? Is that going into Scorpio first? Can’t seem to visualise that x
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