Forums Discussions Tell me your Pole-story! :)

  • mystical

    July 18, 2013 at 8:15 pm

    When i posted my first post i did not see everyone elses posts, I just seen litlbit post and thought she was the one that started this thread. I am going to read everyone's post's

  • LocheshXXX

    July 19, 2013 at 11:15 am

    Anyway, please take the time to tell me your "Pole-Story"!

    How old are you? I am 44 years old or young depending on your perspective;)

    How long have you been pole-dancing? I have been pole-dancing about 6 months.

    What got you into pole dancing? Youtube. I would watch vids of strippers poledancing and booty poppin' etc…  and I was taken with the raw sexuality of their dances.

    Why pole dancing and not something else?/What makes pole dancing special to you? Why poledancing? The above mentioned raw sexuality and freedom of it.  What makes poledancing special to me is it breaks down my inhibitions and allows me to express myself in a way that would probably never be expressed otherwise. Plus,It is alot of fun!

    How did you first find out about Studio Veena? How much time do you spend on here? (hours a day/week/month) I looked online for lessons and this site came up. I spend maybe 20 minutes 2 or 3 times a week. My life is chaotic lately so not much free time.

    How did you choose your tag (AKA User Name)? I choose to use my real name partly because a pole name seemed unnatural and forced for me and it just feels right for me at this time.


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