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The Lil’ Mynx “Rotator”
Posted by Riddleboxxy on October 18, 2011 at 4:53 pmHello SV! I've been recently looking at the LM dance poles for a cheap alternative to an XPole. I've been looking at the rotator, and would like one in possibly black. I just have a question about them, I know they are SS (which.. I'm not completely sure if I wanna downgrade to yet xP) but does the coloring on the poles have ANY grip addition to it or is it just straight SS? Chrome works fine for me, but I feel if I go SS it'll just get hopeless. Any suggestions? 🙂
tarah replied 12 years, 12 months ago 10 Members · 22 Replies -
22 Replies
The colored poles are powdered coated, which are supposed to be pretty grippy. Randy says they are supposed to grip "like brass" I've never dance on a powder coated, but all the girls that have say they are really grippy. The risk with the powder coating…don't scratch it with anything.
I would never consider stainless a downgrade. In fact, I consider it an upgrade from chrome as it is not a coating. It takes a while to watm up, yes, but after it is warm, it should grip the same. I find that the stainless steel poles I danced on and my titanium poles feel the same one they are warn (personally). If you are used to chrome, I think you will be fine with SS and will probably stick like glue with a powder coated pole.
@Riddlebox, i used one in a studio in Australia & it felt like regular SS…frustrating! lol They look pretty but that didnt help with pole tricks haha!! I ahve a brass xpole now & love it 🙂 Brass is def best for grip
I think chemgoddess has a powder coated pole. Maybe ask her. You might want to try dancing on a SSat a studio if you can find one. Keep in mind that SS is a metal that needs major conditioning to get it to be "grippy" and get it out of the really slick phase.
Contact Kobajo84. It looks like she had a black powder coated pole AND I've seen her danving on chrome x poles, so she can give you in put on that end
Do you sweat A LOT? or a regular amount? If you are a normal sweater and have mastered a chrome pole, then with a SS, you should be golden. I used to sweat A LOT and had to have a towel neraby to WIPE WIPE WIPE, and a fan to blowdry my hands.
I used to have a powder coated but now have an X. I never had an issue with mine getting scratched and it was up in the middle of my garage and routinely had stuff bumped ito it and placed against it. The pole gets warm very quickly and can and will get to the point of ripping skin ESPECIALLY if you are new to pole. Learning a superman on this thing was a whole new level of pain, let me tell you! It is grippier than brass to me but in a different way. Brass will almost absorb some of your sweat where the PC will not. I know lots of people who have had issues with the LM stainless and I believe that Aerial Amy fixed hers by very lightly sanding it. Nymphadora has one and hates it with a passion.
I have been on pretty much all of the metals. The chrome X has been the least temperamental for me. I used to use the PS stainless and there was a very small window of proper room conditions for me with SS. Brass and titanium are great when I am cold but once my body gets to temp I have had issues with slippage and with the metal getting too hot while doing spins. I have heard that the poledanzer stainless poles are very similar in grip to chrome.
My friend has a powder coated because she has very, very sweaty hands, so it works really well for her. Hers doesn't rotate, though!
To be honest, I've been thinking about investing in a LM rotator as well, but I wasn't sure about the coatings. They are (in my experience) extremely grippy, so spins and things are a lot more difficult, as far as I can tell! But, if it rotates, I suppose you could do them anyways?
Let me know what you think if you have one.
And for the record, I have a LM stainless, and I like it just fine. It's been pretty much the only pole I've ever known though (besides a brief test of my friend's powder coated), so I can't say that I know how much better or worse it is from others. It works well for me, I clean it often, I can do climbs and spins and stuff!
I have a chrome pole and it is quite slippery. It was fine until I started with the butterfly and some of the harder (in my book) moves. My pole is in my basement and it tends to be cold down there. When I climb the pole, it was REALLY slippery up towards the top of the pole. So I invested in a black powder coat LM as well. I had a private with kojabo84 and she had three poles, two X and one LM. I like the grip of the powder coat, but it is almost impossible (for a newbie) to do spins on it. So, I have both my poles up in my basement. For spins the X, for climbs etc., the LM.
Unfortunately, I don't have any studios around here I can test any poles at 🙁 Maybe when I visit my mom in Ontario (Cali) I'll pass one and be able to try em out. My hands I think are sweatier than average, sometimes when I'm just sittin around, they'll be clammy. I want a pole that spins so powder coating doesn't sound so bad when it comes to my skin. What I want is an X-Pole that spins, but they're so expensive… 🙁
I have the coated Lil Mynx pole in red (I also have the XPole Xpert). I LOVE the coated Lil Mynx pole! The grip is fabulous (right out of the box)! It makes me feel like I can do anything lol! I was going to get the black pole, but the rep at Lil Mynx said that the red had the best grip. However, I’ve been on the black coated pole and the grip seems to be pretty good on it as well. We use the red coated poles at our studio and they’ve held up pretty well as far as scratches. I’m actually thinking about getting he red rotator now!
Riddlebox, x-poles are much more slippery and LM. So if you already have a problem with grip, the LM may be the pole to go with. You can get a spinny LM with shipping for just under $300.00
What is your overall goal? Do you want to master tricks with a lot of stickage? or spins? for me I am planning on buying a whole new brass polefor tricks bc my TG is not sticky enough for tricks. If that's your goal, I say the powder coat is a good idea. If you are wanting to do more spins and stuff, the the SS might be your best bet. You can do both on either though.
When I was sweating a lot, I would still have grip issues with my TG x pole FYI (with my hands; with my body I was fine.) If you REALLY want an X pole though, just save up the extra money and wait the extra time. There is also action poles, which comes in brass. They are more expensive than x pole, but they solid brass and they come in 50mm and 38mm. They are shipped from Canada. The girls I've talked to about them seem to love the grip of them.
I have both a black rotator Lil Mynx and a PS Mulit Piece…I love my Lil Mynx and while it is hella grippy I have never had any issues not being able to spin on it 🙂
I suppose I've been thinking of going exclusively spinny mode for dancing That's weird that red is supposed to be grippier, I wanted the black! Hehe 😛 I think I should probably be for the most part OK on spinning static without bothering myself so that's not TOO much of a problem to me, and my friend has a 50mm chrome pole she lets me use when I want to try out new things. My price range is pretty low, hence why I'm looking into LM.
Riddlebox, I also prefer the dancing over throwing a ton of tricks too. Even though my current red LM pole isn’t a rotator, I’ve not had any problems with twirling tricks. I’ve been on the black LM, and couldn’t tell any difference between the red and black. I don’t know, maybe LM was just pushing the red ones that week : ) We use both the coated and ss in our studio and the students seem to be split as to their preference. I was lucky enough to get my XPole off of eBay for about half of the regular price. You just have to be careful that it isn’t an imitation. I did have to take some sandpaper to it to improve the grip but right now I prefer dancing on my LM pole. I have to say that I’m really surprised at how much I love dancing on it. Let us know what you end up with and how you like it. Happy poling!!
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