Forums Discussions The Stripper Thing… Again


    December 17, 2011 at 6:23 pm

    @ Empyrean-Wow, who knew a venue could even cost that much! My hats off to all that set up and support such events for us ladies! Thanks to all that host and work behind the scenes as well.

    Really wish there was an edit button sometimes lol, hope my stuff doesn't sound too firm! Really just want to support you! Good luck.

  • Mary Ellyn

    December 17, 2011 at 6:41 pm

    It's not just the venue as there are many costs to something like adding workshops, needing to purchase extra poles/stages, flying in judges or guest performers, event insurance, etc. Though the venues we looked at in the Chicago are ran anywhere from $3000 per day to $10,000 per day …and the cheaper ones just nickle and dime you on the things included in the more expensive ones.

    Local bars and theater are asking $500- $1000 to use their venue for events for an evening even though they are going to make money off the guests purchases of food and beverages.

    The cheapest rental we've experienced is our local park district rooms for about $65 an hour…and you have to include set up and tear down in your rental time.

  • Kobajo84

    December 17, 2011 at 7:53 pm

    I live in Indy and I don't think there is a lack of performance opportunities.  Like everyone said, a lot of it is expense and many are within studios.  In two weeks my students will be having their performance night. I'm really excited! Most of the events that are pole performances here are private events.  A lot of the events I've been asked to do have all been private parties and events if not within the actual studio. 

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