Forums Discussions The fear….

  • The fear….

    Posted by vickiezoo on February 22, 2013 at 12:03 pm

    Hi does anyone get ‘the fear’ with some moves, am sure its pretty common. I think its really holding me back! At class we have been working on some cool stuff- drops, handspring ( not tg) and elbow grip aysha to name a few. I am strong enough for these moves and the technique is there i jyst get so scared that i get into position and then bottle it, even with a spotter am just so scared of lannding on my head or ata funny angle. I am holding myself back. Any advice Veeners?

    Elektra Vallens replied 12 years ago 11 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies

    February 22, 2013 at 12:06 pm

    This is gonna sound really funny, but when I compete, I haven't been able to get over the fear of "v" inverting….I'm so nervous that it completely goes out the window-like I'm gonna miss the pole!!! Hahahah… 



  • Black Orchid

    February 22, 2013 at 12:07 pm

    I think that's normal! I have bottled my EG Ayesha in performance a few times but I just replace it with something else ( so having a plan B is good) and no one knows unless it was something I had to turn in to the judges ( and so far I haven't had that happen).

    Its just a question in class or practice of just going for it, especially if there's a spotter. So what if you balls it up a little bit…or maybe you won't! Getting over that first fear is the important bit. Good luck 🙂 

  • kasanya

    February 22, 2013 at 1:45 pm

    Oh yeah. I was absolutely terrified of the back hook swing at first. And the CLR. And the reverse handstand. And I'm sure there were more. But I kept trying and eventually they clicked and then eventually they became comfortable and now I don't even think twice before doing them.

    The current fear inspiring move for me is the butterfly. Still a work in progress, but I've asked my bf to help spot me when I practice it. Hopefully that will help me overcome the fear faster. =)

  • Veena

    February 22, 2013 at 9:10 pm

    I think this is really common with anything! We over think or suddenly worry about injury or looking silly. Once we get a negative thought in our heads about something its hard for some people to stop thinking about it, your totally not alone! 

    You may want to try visualizing yourself perfectly performing the moves that cause fear! Do this as often as you can….. close your eyes and picture yourself doing the move or moves perfectly… see yourself in the room you practice in…. feel how happy you are with yourself….hear everyone clapping for you! If you start to go down the path of worry/fear, stop and start over, seeing yourself doing the move with ease. Pole is just as much mental as physical.

    Good luck!

  • LillyBilly

    February 23, 2013 at 12:50 am

    For me it is every move that requires me to balance with my head up side down "too far" from the floor. For example, I am terrified of handstands (but elbow stands are ok), Ayesha and all its variations, streight edge etc.

    It really helped me to take it slowly. I've spent several months just learning how to use my core muscles to hold myself in elbow stand on the floor before I was confident enough to try (and nail!) my Ayesha.

    I am also really afraid of doing moves you need momentum to get into, so I just try to use as little momentum and as much muscle as possible, and accept that it may take me longer to achieve this move than someone who just jumps into it.

  • hookedonpole

    February 23, 2013 at 2:25 am

    Gosh yes!  I struggle with consistency because of fear.  There are few things that I'm confident with, but for the most part a lot of what I've accomplished is still hit and miss.  I struggle a lot with Advanced Plank, I fell out of it once and if I don't feel I have good grip at the thighs, I bale and when I do have good leg grip, it takes me forever to get in position and let top hand go.  Cross Ankle Release is still very shakey.  I can get into split grip aysha & jackknife on good days, pole is not slippery and I mentally feel like I have good grip, but again bale a lot.

    The one thing that would give me panic attacks is basic handstand.  Even trying to practice against the wall seriously freaked me out.  This has been for years.  I'm finally working on it starting out leaning against the wall.  I hope one day to be able to get basic handstand without leaning on wall for security.

    I'm going to take veena's advice because I do over think things.  I've been told that often.  You are not alone, so just plug along and do your best. 

  • Hazi411

    February 23, 2013 at 8:38 am

    Oh gosh I thought it was just me who got freaked out by handstands!  I also find a lot of moves are hit and miss for me too.

    I have the Jamilla pole DVDs.  On one of those, she teaches getting into a handstand from the floor, by putting your feet and legs on the pole, then "walking" your hand towards the pole, whiile gripping the pole with your legs.  Start from standing with your back to the pole, then put your hands down on the floor in front of you, with your feet/legs on the opposite side of the pole, then hook one foot on, then the other one.

    I also did a handstand/headstand workshop with Shimmy.  She teaches you to practice handstands by going into a lunge, reaching as far forward as you can with your hand, place your hands on the ground, one leg straight, foot on the floor, and the other leg in the air, then do a kind of "hop" up with your foot that's on the floor, until you can get used to the feeling, before you progress to doing handstands against the wall.

    When I learn a new move, I like to have an "exit strategy" in place, just in case, so that I can get out of the move safely.

    Strangely, I seem to have no fear when doing "backwards" moves (spins, and CKR, CAR for instance – maybe it's something to do with being left handed!)



  • vickiezoo

    February 23, 2013 at 11:50 am

    Yep handstands for me too! With some moves though the only exit strategy is face plant! eg hummingbird. I have also been lifting up into forearm stands against pole but i rolled too far into pole with my back and rolled on my neck. I am scared to try this again as well now :-(.

  • Lee lee

    February 23, 2013 at 2:07 pm

    @Hazi411 – I’m left handed too and for what ever reason, I find backward spins easier.

    I just seem to have a fear of falling on my head when I try a CKR, which is so weird because I am confident practicing my CAR?! I definitely over think things.

  • Mechie

    February 24, 2013 at 4:27 pm

    I just recently overcome my fear on doing the butterfly.  I was stuck on that move for awhile…fearing of my sweaty slipping down the pole and crack my head onto the floor.  Now I'm working on my Gemini and Scropio swtich…same thing…I'm so scared of the swtich…espcially after my first fall from the switch.  sigh..I think it's gonna take me awhile to get comfortable and trusting my sweaty hands and body….

  • Elektra Vallens

    February 24, 2013 at 4:47 pm

    @Mechie – When you do your gemini-scorpio switches, do you bring the free leg all the way around into a hip hold before switching? This will make it much more secure.

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