Forums Discussions The nerve of some people!

  • litlbit

    October 26, 2011 at 8:35 am

    Myself I don't worry about that.  I have all of my routines etc. trademarked.  The form they sign when they come to a class states the legalities of using "Total Woman's" format etc.  I had it written up by a lawyer to protect my programs.  I do understand that people will still try to "copy" what I do, but I feel better knowing that I can go after them legally.  Most people here are afraid to try anything like that as we are a small community and for the most part we respect each others rights.  I know most of the instructors in town and we get along pretty well.  I also believe that if I keep providing the type of atmosphere I do, the ladies will keep coming back.  ðŸ™‚  Good Luck to you.  I agree that a conversation with this person could benefit you both!

  • Flexx10

    October 26, 2011 at 11:19 am

    @litlbit ~ I updated my waiver to include a confidentiality agreement (thanks AlphaKitten!). Since I'm VERY non-confrontational, I will let the new waiver speak for itself. I also live in a small community, but I'm not from here, so it has taken some time to build up a clientele. Now that I have a solid following, I want to keep it so I'm probably a little over-protective of my business!

    So – I did a little "investigating" and found out this gal is actually a friend of a friend! Our mutual friend told me she is a very kind and good-hearted person and probably had no idea of what she was doing when she came in saying she wanted to learn our choreo.

    She is in fact new to Zumba and the fitness industry as a whole. Knowing this, I have come full circle in my thinking and feel she just didn't know any better.

    When she signs the new waiver tonight, I will  have the chance to get to know her first hand.

    Who knows…. Maybe she'll want to work for me instead 🙂 He-he!!!!

    Thanks a million everyone for helping me with this!!!!

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