Forums Discussions The star

  • The star

    Posted by CreativityBySteffie on May 18, 2012 at 3:26 am

    I've been looking on the site to see if I could find another thread. I couldn't wich means its problably me, thats the problem. So hopefully one of you lovely Veenas will know what to do. 

    I've just started working on the star. And Im sooo frustrated! I got the knee pit grip it reguires, at the very first try, wich is awesome, but my foot, just slides right of!! 🙁 I've tried wiping my foot first, and even tried putting on grip-aid. (did'nt work at all:)) How the heck do you get the foot to stay along the pole? 

    polergirl replied 12 years, 9 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Lina Spiralyne

    May 18, 2012 at 6:22 am

    Hi! Are you pushing your hips forward after grabbing your ankle? I slide too if I don't do that. It's the same principle as with the knee hold I would say. 


  • LillyBilly

    May 18, 2012 at 6:31 am

    I have a problem that my feet cramp when they touch the pole, so I put my ankle on the pole instead. See this video, at 00:40:

    Mine is an ugly cupid (star), but this is the position my teacher use as well, so in general it works…

  • CreativityBySteffie

    May 18, 2012 at 7:30 am

    Lina – Do you mean push the hip agains the pole? 


    Lilly Billy – Did not think to try that! I just placed the bottom of the foot on the pole. ( I saw Oona do that) But I havent tried with the ankle and lower leg. I haveto say, your way look much more gracefull. I'll try it tomorrow for practice. 🙂

  • Lina Spiralyne

    May 18, 2012 at 8:38 am

    I'd rather say you would be pushing them away from the pole. Have a look at this short vid: 

    First when I'm getting into it my upper body is leaning forward but around 8-9 sec I'm instead pushing my hips forward and my upper body backwards, slightly arching the back. That's when this pose becomes stable.



  • polergirl

    May 18, 2012 at 8:43 am

    With this, the knee hold, the shooting star (aka jasmine I think), you have to push the hips forward (not against the pole, more like "Elvis pelvis" hip thrusts) to distribute the weight evenly between knee pit and the other contact point, whether that's your foot, ankle, shin, etc. Some people have conformation that allows them to keep hold of the pole and thrust the hips forward. I have short litlte T-rex arms and a longer torso, so I'm definitely out of that group lol. So in order for me to make this move pretty I *must* take my hands off the pole, which means I have to have a solid knee pit grip plus a solid hip thrust to distribute the weight. 

    I have gained an appreciation for this move–once upon a time I didn't like it particularly well, but I've seen it done so beautifully enough times that I became a convert.

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