Forums Discussions Thoughts on Lap Dancing

  • lindsayanng

    March 15, 2010 at 8:39 pm

    I just always hate to see women who feel that lap dancing is the only option for them as far as work.. It doesn’t have to be, and if you are only doing it for the money and you aren’t entirely comfortable with yourself doing it, it will show and it will hurt you emotionally.

  • Sparklie

    March 17, 2010 at 3:39 am

    A few tips for you if you decide to do this (from a girl friend of mine that worked in vegas ).

    Get a wrap and place it across his lap so if you do sit on his lap for a moment it is your wrap not his pants because you don’t know where he has been.

    You will get very good at hand slapping and dodging. What I tend to do is carry a pair of hand cuffs and cuff them so I don’t have to deal with this… They may like your kinky-take charge factor more.

    Get all dance money up front. If he is cuffed pull it out of his wallet for him in a seductive manor. Men in these clubs like women with personality, and that are in charge.

    At some point in time you will be propositioned. I tent to act like they just insulted me majorly after i tell them no once. My girl friend is great at playing the, excuse the expression, dumb blond and pulls out the mommy voice when they get out of line.

    Remember above all else follow your instincts. If you don’t feel comfortable don’t do it. I tend to tell people up front my "rules" for dances. (I would also suggest following all laws, rules, and regulation for the area that you live in. This is my disclaimer… common sense I know, but i still put it in.)

    PM me if you have more in depth questions on the industry.

  • amberpoledancer

    March 17, 2010 at 4:16 pm

    Yup best thing to do is chat with the dancers at the chosen club. see what they do, whats expected of you ect. As i said before going fully nude doesnt necessarly mean for a full 3 or 4 min song. If you stripped right off at the beginning it would get boring very quickly for the guy. Believe it or not some men are uncomfortable with dancers who get their bits out and right in the guys face. (so i have been told by a few male friends) especially if theyve been bought a dance by a friend or if its a bachelor party and they are under pressure to go along with it. I used to encounter many guys that were sometimes just as nervous and uncomfortable about the full thing as any newbie dancer.

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