Forums Discussions Tips for Organizing Showcases?

  • Mary Ellyn

    October 9, 2012 at 3:34 pm

    Recitals and showcases are generally an opportunity for the performer and just like other types of dance recitals, you should actually consider charging your students to participate.

    For studio dance recitals I charge my students a smaller fee than if they were paying to get in but I do charge them for all the work I put into it and we are not making a profit in this situation after I rent a location and pay for insurance, let alone the time involved.

    When we do a recital, our instructors are expected to be there as it's a work event so they are paid by the hour to work at the recital. they are not "forced" to perform but they are strongly encouraged to do so just to set an example to students if nothing else.

    Headliners, who don't happen to work for you, are a different story when you invite them to perform as a featured dancer. Though many of them will not charge a performance fee if you give them the opportunity to teach workshops and make it worth their while to come out for your event.


  • minicoopergrl

    October 10, 2012 at 6:11 am

    Reading ME tips, gave me lots of flashbacks of organizing my Battle.

    Lots of hard work but totally worth it in the end.  I have been in the audience watching the performances and thinking that alot of these people its thier first time peforming ever!  Let alone pole dancing!  To see those faces and say they had such a great time and want to come back next year just makes all the blood, sweat, tears totally worth it. 


    Yes, your gonna have studios who will not participate (or ones with mulitple locations where one location wants to but the owner of the business says no).  Thats ok,  thats thier business to make that choice, but some of them will show up and support you (gotta love this pole community). 


    Promote, promote, promote!  FB page, website, word on the street.  I had copies of my flyers that were posted everywhere.  I sent some to studios to post, my sponsors to put on thier websites, friends passed them out.  I even posted one at my local Starbucks but someone took it down.

  • kasanya

    October 13, 2012 at 6:09 pm

    Thanks for all the advice, ladies! There's lots of great information here. =)

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