Forums Discussions Too Old in Texas?

  • Veena

    March 23, 2011 at 8:01 am

    Welcome to the site!!!! Anyone can pole

  • stoneycook

    March 23, 2011 at 8:53 am

    Ahh, 57 to be so young again …

    Welcome aboard LoneStarDiva and Hazi411.  If you love it and it's good for you then age is not a barrier to finding joy while doing it.  At least I hope that's the case.  Pole smart and have fun.

  • LoneStarDiva

    March 23, 2011 at 10:57 am

    Thanks for all the Welcoming remarks, ladies.

    I guess what I was trying to say earlier:  When I get this thing done to the point I have in my mind's eye – I'll be… and Athlete!  A Friggin Athlete!!

    Soooo many of you guys.. that's what YOU are – Athletes!!  (Somehow I never saw it that way, 'cept for daughter who is actually 'the jock' of the family – both her brothers are scrawney, pale, nerd guys. 😉

  • Voodoochild

    March 23, 2011 at 11:13 am

    Welcome to the pole community! Age is just a number, you’re not too old! The Texas pole community is rapidly growing which is super exciting! I currently am an instructor at a studio in Dallas and there are plenty of women around your age coming to class!

    Actually, There is a competition coming up that will feature a category for women over 40! 🙂
    Anyways, the Brass Ovaries studio in Austin is great and all the instructors are super sweet and very talented. The pole community in general is super supportive, inspiring, and…well, awesome. 🙂

  • vipergal

    March 23, 2011 at 5:17 pm

    I am 53 and have been poling for a year and a half. \i don't care if \i am pperfect as long as I have fun and get fit. I have lost 80lbs and 5 sizes. You can do it and have a great time doing so.


  • Sam I am

    March 24, 2011 at 6:53 am

    Welcome to the addiction! My mom who is 55 poles with me sometimes and so does my 5 year old (no booty shaking for her though!) We all love it! Fun for all ages  🙂

  • DedeJoy

    March 24, 2011 at 9:48 am

    I started at age 40.


    You're never too old. There is no such thing. You can do anything you want to do, if you want to do it badly enough.



  • JazzieJae

    March 30, 2011 at 1:23 pm

    Hi there! I am new myself.  I'll be 45 and I think we are only as old as well act..LOL.  I bought a Carmen Electra pole to start with as well off ebay just to see how I liked poling before actually purchasing X-pole…and I LOVE IT! I don't have upper body strength and wonder if I will EVER INVERT…but I am having a blast! This is so much fun!  I'm gonna stick with the strengthening and beginner lessons and hope to move on one day..

  • hookedonpole

    March 30, 2011 at 3:44 pm

    Welcome!!  I am one of those in the 50's 🙂  I'm 55 and started at 52 "just for fun."  It's been three years and I'm still going.  It is so much fun, even through the difficulty, sore muschles, bruising, no flexiblity, etc.  Whatever level I am and/or will reach will be good enough for me, since I never considered that I could accomplish anything at all.   You will find great encouragement, support and the most fun veneers here!

  • Judy Jovanelly

    March 31, 2011 at 7:39 am

    Welcome to the fun LoneStarDiva !  I'm 53 and started about a year and a half ago as well.  Get ready to have lots of fun, and to amaze yourself with what you'll be able to do in time !! 


  • poleluvndallas

    April 1, 2011 at 3:14 pm

    I’m in the Dallas area, lonestar. I train at a great studio here that offers drop in classes. 15$ if you find yourself in the area give me a shout. I’ll be happy to take a beginner class with you! it’s always more fun to pole with a buddy.

  • senrysa

    April 2, 2011 at 1:55 pm

    I am 56…and a beginner…
    Funny thing about age we seem to grow more determined and dedicated as we blossom into who “we” are past 50. We don’t give up as easy, are beginning to love who we are without the kids PTA bake sales games and girl scouts. While I don’t look at myself sexual age certainly makes a woman feel more sensual. We don’t have to prove anything to anyone but ourselves and for me this is an amazing art form even if I never get past one spin. I say good for you we are not getting older we are getting better
    ; – )

  • LoneStarDiva

    April 2, 2011 at 5:44 pm
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