Forums Discussions Training advice?

  • byrdgrrl

    April 3, 2014 at 1:09 pm

    I like rope climbing as an additional excercise. I use both a thick old-school gym rope (like in this article: ) with just my body and a rock climbing rope with a harness and metal ascenders to climb (jugging, in rock climber parlance). The gym rope is best for working on my grip, but even climbing with ascenders, I still have to use my arms, legs and core to progress up the rope. Plus, rope climbing is fun, so it makes me want to do it.

  • Rachel Osborne

    April 4, 2014 at 7:55 pm

    To be honest I think the best training is the training activity you enjoy most.

    Because then you are motivated to actually do it.

    I’ve got a weights bench and bar bells etc at home gathering dust because it bored me. Whereas I love dance and yoga and Pilates and can fit in weights into a quick highly efficient full body/body weight resistance/HIIT DVD workout like Jillian Michaels done at home. I know weight training is great but I’m not interested enough to focus on it. Poling does it for me because its weight training plus flexibility plus dance. And I get to whizz about and go upside down as a bonus!

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