Forums Discussions Trick in a dream

  • Trick in a dream

    Posted by KenzieCaliente on August 18, 2013 at 11:09 am

    I had a dream that I could do a fonji and reverse fonji into machine gun.

    It inspired me to start working on learning the fonji today. I’m wondering if that dream trick could be accomplished…

    Skylah Rae replied 11 years, 6 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • luvlee

    August 18, 2013 at 12:15 pm

    That is SO funny!!!! I do not usually dream about doing stuff I can not do, but a few nights ago, I dreamed I was in a nice flexible chest stand and my feet could touch the floor!!!!!! I just kept doing it and was very comfortable in it. Ha. Ha.

  • teachtrinity

    August 18, 2013 at 12:23 pm

    Oh I always dream I can do the best routines and freestyle (in reality I'm totally crap lol) I have the best music and do the best tricks, it does inspire me to work harder….. I also cannot hear a piece of music now without imagining a routine…. hubby often looks at me and asks if I'm poling in my head again LOL

  • Juicy J

    August 19, 2013 at 12:23 am

    Hehe, I often dream I can do the Front Splits on both side without any pain (I can't split yet) or I have crazy upper body strength and can do full pull-ups/chin-ups without any assistance and I'm light as a feather!

  • Skylah Rae

    August 19, 2013 at 12:39 am

    A machine gun can be quite fiddly, and doesnt always “open up” to the side you might want so probably better done on a spinning pole. I wouldn’t dare try a fonji on a spinning pole, the movement might put me off when I’m trying to switch my shoulder / hand grip? Static would be a safer option. Also, I haven’t yet worked up the courage to try it on the freestanding pole I have at home, again I’m scared of the movement of the pole, and I’m also certain it’ll bend the pole the wrong way as well with the amount of force required to pull it off :S

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