Forums Discussions Trouble watching and loading vids on here!

  • Trouble watching and loading vids on here!

    Posted by TinyDancer04 on September 10, 2011 at 5:05 pm

    Ok I am super unhappy!!
    I have a good computer, good Internet speed and a smart phone.
    I can’t watch studioveena vids AT ALL on my computer- only my iPhone 4- but the vids are very glitchy.
    I’m constantly restarting the vid etc and often don’t watch the whole thing due to frustration.

    Loading up my own vids to the site presents another problem. It takes FOREVER.
    a 3 min video takes 2 1/2 hours to load and a 6 min video about 5 hours!! That’s crazy!
    Last night I stayed up to late trying to load up a video and ended up going to bed leaving it to do Its thing.
    I was up early this morning with my son and I immediately check it- there was an error message on the site and it didn’t go through!
    Im so fed up!
    I feel like ive completely wasted my time!
    I’ve tried uploading from another computer before as well so I don’t really think it’s the problem.
    Sorry- for ranting- I’m just super annoyed! Anyone else have this much trouble with vids on here ?

    Webmaster replied 13 years, 5 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Webmaster

    September 10, 2011 at 6:52 pm

    Video is a very complex issue.  There are multiple ways to stream it and multiple levels of redundancy that you can use, different encodings, different wrappers and the list goes on and on and on.

    Many people will say "I can watch videos on youtube" but you have to realize they have a multi-billion dollar architecture and zero security.  There are literally plugins that come on many computers that will let you download any Youtube video you want.

    We have two edge locations in Australia delivering buffered/encoded video.  If you are having difficulty accessing the videos on internet speed that is fast enough, and you are in Australia, one of two things is happening:

    1) Your ISP is not properly reporting the location of your IP address and therefore you are most likely being delivered content from a continent other that Australia.
    2) Many people have taken to using Google's enhanced DNS servers which can be setup in your router or computer (if you don't know what I'm talking about and you don't have a geek in your house this is not the case).  These enhanced DNS servers also do not properly report your location and hence you will often be served content from much farther away than neccessary.

    In either case you will experience severe latency.  Youtube, Vimeo and other major services don't experience these problems because they don't wrap any true security around their video streams.

    Regardless please contact me with further issues.

  • Pisces Poler

    September 12, 2011 at 6:10 am

    @tinydancer I have the exact same issue.
    It is incredibly frustrating and is a main part of the reason I haven’t been on SV alot lately 🙁
    I used to be able to upload vids fine, I will add they did take quite a long time BUT they uploaded.
    Now they just do not upload at all. I have sat up for many nights waiting and waiting……..and waiting…..and nothing 🙁
    I also have issues watching the vids on my laptop & on my iphone4.
    99% of the time my phone will say “you are not authorized to open this file” and that is for Veenas lessons (which I have a year subscription to) as well as user vids.
    On my laptop the vids either freeze completely or it’s start-stop-start-stop and I give up totally too.

    Sorry @webmaster, I don’t know what any of that meant in your above post lol. Can you dumb it down a little for me so I can sort this out pleeease 🙂

  • Webmaster

    September 12, 2011 at 7:45 am

    @5 Butterflies – It doesn't seem that you are experiencing the exact same issue.  If you are getting a message that says you are not authorized to access this file, your request is, most likely, being truncated on the client side.

    It is important that everyone who is having video troubles contact me directly rather than posting in the forum since each person's situation is different.

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