I have not had issues…yet! Any thing where you are repetitively performing tasks with the hands like gripping, typing, using scissors, chopping food, could cause tendonitis.
First rest before you try the list below, and see a DR if it doesn’t feel better after taking a break.
Here are things I do to prevent tendonitis and such:
Limit using these grips to no more than 2 times per week and no more than 10 times per session. This can increase as strength improves and the body adjusts to the level of work your asking it to do. If someone is an off and on pole dancer it’s really important not to over do the split and true grips.
Stretch forearms REALLY well after every pole session
Switch to a smaller diameter pole, I notice a difference in how my wrists feel if I use a 50mm. I like 45 or 40.
I find cup grip tweaks the wrist more than true, depending on what move I’m using it for. So I change it out for whichever feels best.
Keep up with conditioning exercises for the wrists and forearms.
I hope you figure it out!