Forums Discussions Twisted Grip issues with my hip!

  • Twisted Grip issues with my hip!

    Posted by jane ette on April 16, 2014 at 2:41 pm

    So, I never thought I would have issues with my hip when working on twisted grip 🙁 But, for some reason, when trying to lift off of the ground into twisted I grip, I swing my left foot and leave the ground with my right foot and that causes severe pain in my right hip. I know my body is facing the pole and then has to twist in the other direction, so that is probably putting a lot of torque on the hip. Is there some other way to get into the twisted grip from the floor that wouldn’t cause so much hip pain? Or, maybe I’m doing something wrong?

    Dancing Paws replied 10 years, 6 months ago 13 Members · 35 Replies
  • 35 Replies
  • chemgoddess1

    April 16, 2014 at 7:47 pm

    You should not be swinging your legs at all. At some point in time you need to realize that not all moves are not suited for all bodies.

    Can you get into a twisted grip ayesha from the pole? Can you do a handspring in any other grip?

    Sorry if I sound like a bitch, but there is SO MUCH information out there about how bad this move is for SO MANY PEOPLE and yet instructors insist on teaching it.

  • jane ette

    April 16, 2014 at 8:51 pm

    I was taught to swing my leg by my instructor, so I’m not sure why you are saying I shouldn’t be swinging my leg. How else are you supposed to get into a twisted grip?

    Also, what do you mean that “at some point you need to realize that not all moves are not suited for all bodies”? This is the first time I ever asked a question about this move and I hardly ever ask questions on this site, so I’m confused why you would say this to me 🙁 Are you confusing me with somebody else that has asked about this before?

    Yes, I can do the twisted grip Ayesha from the pole. I can do a cartwheel mount if that is what you mean?

    I have done the twisted grip handspring many times successfully. I just asked this question because it is causing hip pain and I was wondering if I was doing something wrong.

  • Webmaster

    April 16, 2014 at 10:35 pm

    Please use the search box to search for twisted grip. It is, physiologically, a very dangerous move and not suited for most people. There are a tremendous amount of injuries related to it and Veena even refuses to teach it. You only increase the risk inherent in this move if you need momentum to get into it.

  • MissMonte78

    April 16, 2014 at 10:35 pm

    The pain in ur hip could possibly be related to a back injury u might not even know u have. Maybe a disc could be out? That could be why it triggers when u swing ur leg out. i completely agree with chemgoddes. About how some movements aren’t meant for all human bodies. The twisted grip is horrible for ur joints no matter how u get into it. Using momentum is worse cause u are putting more stress on ur joints and it way more dangerous cause not everyone realizes they can’t hold themselves up once they get their legs over their head. It’s not that ur doing it wrong, there are better, more safer ways to get into it 🙂 I hope this was somewhat helpful

  • korinne

    April 16, 2014 at 10:35 pm

    I don’t think Chem was trying to be mean. She’s just saying a lot of people have gotten injured doing twisted grip. The safest way to do twisted grip for all of your joints is to be strong enough to dead lift, strongly engaging the shoulder and back muscles to protect vulnerable structures such as ligaments, tendeons, etc., and to do it sparingly. Additionally, variations in individual joint structure can make the move more difficult or even impossible to do safely for certain individuals.

    That being said, this hip pain seems unrelated to the common injuries associated with TG. To understand the pain in your hip- can you describe it more? What type of pain–stabbing, shooting, cramping, etc. Does it spread anywhere? Does it happen with any other moves? How long does it last?

  • Rachel Osborne

    April 16, 2014 at 10:41 pm

    Whenever my hips hurt its usually because I’m not fully engaging my whole core – not just locking abs in but pulling up pelvic floor, internally zipping up my ‘corset’ – the lower back, the side muscles, everything.

    I find locking external core and then thinking about activating my internal core muscles and my glutes – definitely my glutes – seems to make my pelvis more stable and prevents too much force being exerted into hip flexors or pelvic area. I am hypermobile so have really had to put lots of work into learning how to use my core to prevent shoulder and hip injury.

    I’m not an expert at all! Just an injury prone old ex dancer! HTH 🙂

  • x falcon 3 0 x

    April 17, 2014 at 12:29 am

    Not to detract from the hip issue and agreeing with chem & korinne, but I am anti swing as well. If you NEED momentum to handspring and your shoulders, back, etc aren’t ready for the pressure and weight that you’re about to suddenly mount onto them, then you’re not conditioning for this move correctly. I’ve seen instructors teach the TGH by leading with the shoulder than spiraling the arm up and around instead of demonstrating shoulder engagement and sweeping the arm out to the grip. My instructor, who is also a Pilates instructor and massage therapist, teaches the TGH from the core out. That said, my own hip issues relate to how tight my hamstrings & IT band are. It’s weird. I do a lot of foam rolling.

  • chemgoddess1

    April 17, 2014 at 5:21 am

    Jane ette, I was not confusing you with some one else. As I stated (and Kori helped), twisted grip is one of those moves I really wish would just GO AWAY. Instructors will teach this because it is “easier” for people to learn because you are pretty much locking everything out to give you stability. Instructors will teach this before even teaching ayesha.

    As for your hip pain, the only thing I can think of is the amount of hip rotation that you may have (or not have) and how much flexy you have to do a straddle.

    But for your own safety I would suggest reading through a bunch of these discussions before considering even going farther with it if it is causing you pain:

  • jane ette

    April 17, 2014 at 7:54 am

    Thanks for all the replies. I have read the threads on twisted grip and knew about the dangers before even attempting the move. I practiced for a long time and took it very slow not trying to rush this move because of the dangers associated with it. I kept monitoring my body to make sure I didn’t have any shoulder or wrist pain which is what people usually complain about with twisted grip. I have no intentions to stop practicing this move, so it is not really helpful to tell me how dangerous this move is. I have seen lots of videos on here on ladies doing this move, so I figured I could get some helpful advice about what I might be doing wrong. If somebody could explain or had a video of how to get into twisted grip without swinging my leg, I would greatly appreciate it. As far as answering the question about my hip pain……….it is a sharp pain right in the joint that only lasts for about 30 seconds after I attempt the move. It is most likely due to not being flexible enough because I get the same pain when I’m working on my splits, but it is worse now because of working on twisted grip. I almost have my front splits, but I am pretty far away from a middle split, which is probably the position my hip is in right when I go to swing out. So, that was a very helpful comment. I will try to work on this move without swinging my leg. Thanks.

  • Krista Bocko

    April 17, 2014 at 8:11 am

    I think you’re asking about a TG deadlift. Your chest is already turned upwards and you curl up and lift the legs.

  • jane ette

    April 17, 2014 at 8:36 am

    You know, I got to thinking. Everybody is so anti-swing of the leg, so why is it ok in the cartwheel mount? The swing of the leg in this move is the almost the same thing in twisted grip. Veena teaches to swing the leg here:

  • Krista Bocko

    April 17, 2014 at 8:44 am

    It is ok because the arm is in a neutral position and is bent, so the shoulder muscles are protected and nothing is in a twisted, non neutral alignment.

  • Krista Bocko

    April 17, 2014 at 10:11 am

    BTW, I *do* swing my leg in twisted grip. i have not worked on it enough (in fact I have done it probably less that 20 times EVER) to deadlift or want to work on deadlifting it. My main focus is the other grips.

    Because I work on it so very little and I know I’m strong enough to hold other grips, I don’t worry about swinging the leg.

  • IrishOrla

    April 17, 2014 at 12:23 pm

    I find it a lot easier to do a tg handspring when my cheat is facing the ceiling already. This way I don’t need to twist my hips or swing, I’m still working on a dead lift though because I have to jump in to it for now but I am aiming to get rid of the small jump completely. If you watch the last video I posted on here you will see what I mean. In my pole class most girls do it with swinging the leg but I just cannot do it like this. Have your chest facing the ceiling and your arms in position and try it then, I think you will find this way a lot easier for now before we master the deadlift. It isn’t a permanent solution though because I understand tg can cause damage to your shoulders although I have been practicing this tg for maybe 6-7 months now with no pain. Each to their own but I like this grip. Just make sure you stretch properly and don’t over do it. I find it isn’t the arm that’s in the twisted position that takes most of the weight but my arm at the bottom is pushing me more than anything. Hope this helps because I’m really not good at explaining things lol.

  • IrishOrla

    April 17, 2014 at 12:23 pm


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