Forums Discussions Twisted Grip issues with my hip!

  • CrazyKosters

    April 17, 2014 at 2:11 pm

    I do this move but it is dangerous. Pole is dangerous.. Try having your chest facing the ceiling and NOT turning into it if it is causing you pain. This is a public forum and just because you know the dangers, doesn’t mean someone else reading this does. No one is being mean to you, don’t take it personal. You are really not supposed to twist into this move that much, it might look pretty but unless you have the strength its not going to be good in the long run. A lot of people develop problems with this grip, just don’t over do it. My 2cents…

  • CrazyKosters

    April 17, 2014 at 2:48 pm

    I forgot to mention that I have had similar pain in my right hip when I twist with certain things and stretch for middle splits. My hip has a chronic history of rotating forward and being a little uneven. This has cause bursitis in the past when I was in the army. It acts up every once in a while and I have to take about a week or more off of anything that aggravates it when it is hurting. Try not doing anything that hurts it for a while and then make sure you are really warmed up and stretched before trying it again. I also used to get this pain when going into handstands by swinging my leg up. Consult with your dr or chiropractor to see if it is rotated. Work on conditioning exercises for your hips. Hope that helps!

  • jane ette

    April 17, 2014 at 6:50 pm

    Well, I’m thankful for the help regarding my question. But, I do believe I will think twice before I ask a question about twisted grip again. It seems to be a very touchy subject on this site. Sorry to have caused such a ruckus. :/

  • chemgoddess1

    April 18, 2014 at 10:41 am

    Jane ette, you need to remember that this site is about helping others. I started by stating I may sound like a bitch but….. Many of the people that are here have been in this game a LONG time. Many are physical therapists, doctors, study anatomy, have been injured, know someone who has been injured, etc. Pole has gone through stages. At first no one really cared about safety and just did moves any way they could get into them. Hell, I was taught how to jump and kick into an invert. I was taught split grip spins before I had the strength to execute them properly and was told that the pain in my forearms was typical and it will eventually go away. When twisted grip was first seen everyone wanted to do it no matter what. Now several years later we are learning that it is really hard on the body and can do a LOT of damage if not executed properly. I cannot begin to tell you how many people I know that have cracked their ribs attempting an Allegra. Sadly we do not always consider the dangers of a move before jumping into them. There are still instructors who teach students to kick and jump into an invert. There are still instructors that teach split grip spins almost immediately. Just because you see all sorts of people doing it on youtube or facebook does not make it “right”. I have had conversations with professional pole peeps and they are horrified not only in how they used to teach but also in the quality (or lack there of) of instructing that is happening around the country. So many studios do not teach foundations. So many studios just don’t care about your safety so that 5 or 10 years down the line your body is so abused that you can no longer pole. They are looking at the bottom line which is money. My comment and I am sure the rest of the comments here were not meant to inflame. You do not post much and you are a fairly new member. Without a foundation of who you are or where you are on your journey the first thing people are going to tell you is BE SAFE. That should actually make you pause and be grateful that we are looking out for your best interests. And I know I am a bitch and bluntly speak my mind, however those that initially thought that of me have gotten to know me and know that I am just a person who speaks the truth and will deliver that consistently without regard to offending feelings.

    The bottom line, this forum is about helping and trying to keep you safe and injury free. We don’t want to see you broken and off the pole because of something that could have been prevented had you had the knowledge.

  • dustbunny

    April 18, 2014 at 11:48 am

    Your right, it is a touchy subject but don’t take it personally. As someone mentioned the warnings aren’t just for the op but because it is a public forum there may be beginners reading it who do not know of the dangers associated with the move. And I think that most of the people here would rather you ask questions if your unsure about something regarding twisted grip because it is so dangerous, rather than trying to figure it out on your own and risking injury. 🙂 The best way for us to help you though is to see a video of what your doing. Best of luck with this move it is so impressive when done well. I don’t have a link handy but there are some really good tutorials on YouTube that cover all the steps for conditioning and prep work before working the lift itself.

  • Dancing Paws

    April 18, 2014 at 12:50 pm

    Is it possible you have snapping hip syndrome? You should talk to a doctor to find out. That is where the tendon snaps over bony structures in the hip. It can happen on the outside hip or the front hip flexor area. I have it in both places, so I cannot do straddle moves as the snapping causes pain. Some people with snapping hips feel no pain, but I was told the snapping can cause issues over time by wearing down the tissues involved. I suggest you talk to a doctor about the hip pain a) to get a diagnosis and b) to start strength and flexibility training to correct it. I went to physical therapy for snapping hips, and I still have to work on the strength and flexibility to remedy it.

  • jane ette

    April 19, 2014 at 8:34 pm

    Thanks again everyone!! Like I said before, I am grateful for the help I received. I was just sorry if I stirred up anything, but now I see that I am glad we got all of this out 🙂 I don’t post any pics or videos because this is public and I only pole for my husband. There are many friends and family who would not understand my pole dancing, so I am just worried where my pics and videos would end up. There has been so many times that I wish I could post a video and ask for help. I thought of maybe making it dark somehow so that nobody could see my face? I really do appreciate this website and Veena and all the help!! 🙂 Regarding the snapping hop syndrome……..I probably do have that. My hip actually snaps all the time especially when I go to lift my leg, on the way down, my hip will snap. It feels like a tendon is rubbing over a bone.

  • jane ette

    April 19, 2014 at 8:43 pm


  • CrazyKosters

    April 19, 2014 at 10:14 pm

    Just wanted to let you know that you have to be member to view the videos unless you make it public. Even then, unless you directed anyone with a link to your video, the chances of anyone outside of studioveena seeing it is pretty much non existent. Your images will not show up either in any search engine or google images. If anyone outside of this site did somehow see anything, you would have to ask them why they were looking up or googling pole dance stuff lol.

  • Lina Spiralyne

    April 20, 2014 at 4:11 am

    @CK How do I make a SV-video public/non-public?

  • jane ette

    April 20, 2014 at 7:15 am

    Yes, I am a little confused about the privacy thing too. Especially since it was stressed in this thread that this is a public forum. So, if I post a picture or video, who all is able to see it? Members only or the public?

  • chemgoddess1

    April 20, 2014 at 8:08 am

    The forum itself is public so any text that is written or profile pic you may have will be able to be viewed. When you add a photo or video there is a radial button on the bottom that gives you the option of public or just friends. If you set it as just friends it is like FB where only your friends can see the pics/video.

  • CrazyKosters

    April 20, 2014 at 3:52 pm

    What chem said 🙂

  • Lina Spiralyne

    April 20, 2014 at 5:35 pm

    That’s what I had been thinking all the time, just got confused when you said vids could be set to public. Got the impression there was an option to make videos viewable to anyone, even non-members. Fine then!

  • Webmaster

    April 20, 2014 at 5:50 pm

    Your video can be made public by clicking the sharing bar on your video after its uploaded. Making it public will allow it to be shared on Facebook or with anyone you give the URL to.

    This is a per video action. You have to choose each video you want to make public.

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