Forums Discussions Twisted grip is the bane of my exsistance tips please

  • Twisted grip is the bane of my exsistance tips please

    Posted by sundcarrie on December 3, 2014 at 12:31 pm

    Okay sorry but I was trying the last few weeks to master the twisted grip Ayesha and well I spend a week recovering from it I can get into it rather easily from a cartwheel mount with a split grip I can even hold straight legs this way but this twisted grip thing is killing me.
    Right now I am just working on slightly lifting my body weight. Any tips for building up to this move would be appreciated.

    scorpiotrickster replied 10 years, 3 months ago 6 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • chemgoddess1

    December 3, 2014 at 2:23 pm

    Not to sound like too much of a bitch but you probably will not get a lot of advice regarding this move here. The majority of the members here do not believe in this move due to the damage that it can do to you. There are lots of threads if you do a search and quite a few blogs. I might suggest reading through them before wanting to continue with trying this.

  • Amiloo

    December 3, 2014 at 3:09 pm

    I think chem is right!
    Twisted grip can cause shoulder and wrist issues… More so than other grips!
    But if YOU want to do it go ahead loads of people do, I do but it’s not my preferred grip.

    I would make sure you can do it in a normal split grip first, if you can and still want to work on twisted, make are you back it up with lots on wrist and shoulder mobilising beforehand and strengthing/flexibily exercises for shoulders, (strengthen those wrists too, Veena has good videos on these)

    Like any other move it takes practice so keep trying but don’t over do it!! Try a few times each time you train as just relax about it 😊
    You will get it! And if you really don’t .. Maybe your body just may not be built for it and in that case… Cup grip!! Or split or elbow!! There’s loads of options open to you and who knows you may like them better!!?

    I love cup grip but I ❤️ doing elbow ayesha!!

    Good luck!!

  • Amiloo

    December 3, 2014 at 3:15 pm

    Also in terms of tips…. How do you get into the twisted grip currently?
    Are you talking from the floor? Or from up the pole or both?

    I had to master it from a cartwheel or handspring (whatever you call it) before I could do it from being already up the pole?

    And from the floor I had to get into the position from putting my had up into normal grip and then walking myself around to the other side of the pole keeping my hand in the same place (so it ende up in the same kinda way it does in a reverse grab) AND then handspring!! For some reason the conventional way just didn’t feel right … It’s fine now but when I started I didn’t have the sweet spot ?

  • sundcarrie

    December 3, 2014 at 3:16 pm

    Thanks chemgoddess1 I was going to come back and delete this thread but I forgot. I did some research and found that I actually can do almost any of the moves I am trying to learn without doing the twisted grip. I can either learn the cup grip or the split grip.

    Thanks for your input! I am going to discontinue all work on the twisted grip and begin learning the cup grip slowly. I was just trying to learn impressive performance moves and I usually see performers and competitors using the twisted grip. If there is another way I am going to take it!

    Lesson learned I will not work on a move that hurts that much before doing research to find a safer method. Plus I also learned that my time would be better spent learning to string multiple moves I already know together until I can work up to the super strength moves……or work on moves that require a lot of leg strength since I really excel in that area!

    By the way I don’t think you sound like a bitch! You are always helpful and quite honestly I needed to know.

  • Amiloo

    December 3, 2014 at 3:21 pm

    Great!! I agree focusing on linking moves is time but better spent!!

    Can’t wait to see some videos!!

  • Amiloo

    December 3, 2014 at 3:23 pm

    That was ment to read ‘time MUCH better spent’ but my phone had other ideas 😉

  • Krista Bocko

    December 3, 2014 at 5:12 pm

    I would always suggest to learn the other grips FIRST, and then offer TG as another alternative, cuz by that time you have the strength and body awareness to know your body better and if it’s suitable.


  • sundcarrie

    December 3, 2014 at 5:26 pm

    Thanks everyone. Just so you know I learned the split grip variation (Ayesha) from a Felix Cane video on pole and aerial .com I guess I handspring into it but it feels more like a cartwheel to me.

    Also I purchased a video from UPA called pole power and worked a little on steps to get into cup grip. I like it it is more raw power but no pain. I have to say I like the power moves a lot.

    I promise I will be careful from now on and not rush the process.

  • Wcox

    December 3, 2014 at 6:26 pm

    Although many on here are not into twisted grip, I do like it. However, I waited to learn it at my local studio. It is the last grip I have learned on my journey. If you are going to train it, I personally found it much easier to learn from an invert and pIke out – back in and out. And keep moving onto different moves. My shoulders are tight so I surprisingly found twisted to be quite comfortable. I am still working my way up to twisted handsprings etc. As Veena says, not all moves are right for everyone, so don’t push yourself if you are uncomfortable.

  • scorpiotrickster

    December 4, 2014 at 8:01 pm

    Just as a cautionary tale…I used to LOVE twisted grip, and had a beautiful twisted grip Ayesha. I had just gotten it from a deadlift and was really close to getting the Phoenix when I started getting a pain deep in my right shoulder every time I lifted my arm over my head. 6 months later, after taking a break to rest it, x-rays, physical therapy, a failed cortisone shot, and an MRI with an arthrogram, it turns out I had a tear in my labrum. The only way to fix a labral tear is through surgery, so I had it done 7 weeks ago. The recovery process is long and painful, and I expect it will be another 6 months before I am cleared to do pole or any kind of weighted overhead lifting, meaning a total of over a year out of pole! I am positive that the injury was caused by doing twisted grip moves all of the time. Good luck with the Ayesha, but I definitely recommend trying it with cup or elbow grip instead, so you don’t end up like me!

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