Forums Discussions USPDF Championship results!!!!

  • SandyBrown

    March 21, 2010 at 2:51 am

    Alethea had one of her hands handcuffed to the pole during the beginning of her routine, and it was so surprising and hot, might I add. I had a feeling that she would win. I heard today that she also dislocated her knee at some point before her routine, but she went out and performed anyway!

    I too thought that Sara would give some new moves/tricks, but I kind of got the feeling that she didn’t seem really into what she was doing.

  • jvks1mom

    March 21, 2010 at 5:26 am
  • Angel1201

    March 21, 2010 at 1:53 pm

    I went into stealth mode a taped a lot of the show. Unfortunately there are heads in the way and the view I got (held the cam to my chest to cover the glow from the screen) caught only the tops of the pole. I gotta go through them today and I’ll post later if I have anything good. My gosh, there is so much to comment on I don’t even know where to start. I have to second gator girl and say that I could that Sarah was so not into it. However, when she was on the pole, her talent was freekin’ undenyable!!! She has so much potential, but her heart was just not into it. She did walk back and forth and when she approached the pole she just looked up at it and then hopped on. There wasn’t any passion. Alethea’s performance had a wierd effect on me. It SCARED me!! Because she was handcuffed, I was so afraid she was gonna get hurt or tangled! I couldn’t focus on what she was doing because I kept worrying about her being cuffed. It was a dark piece and my mind visualized tears and angst and black spider webs coming from her and flying into the audience. Very emotionally evocotive and powerful. It reminded me of the movie Legend when the heroine dances for the devil. Anyone seen that?? Anyway, my fav dances that didn’t win a title were hands down from Jessalyn and Fleur! Fleur’s routine was brilliant as I think it symbolized her evolution from ballerina to pole dancer. It gave me chill bumps and got me misty eyed! I hope she does a re-make and posts it here b/c all you guys will LOVE it! In case she does, I won’t describe it so you all will live the surprise as I did. Love you Amber!!! Jessalyn’s piece brought me to tears. It was technical perfection and just a beautiful artistic piece that varied from her usual rocker style. She danced to a broadway showt-tune, I’m thinking its from Les Miserable???? Can anyone verify that?? I am biased though, because I’ve studied under her and she’s my home-town hero. Both Fleur and Jessalyn’s performances did not necessarily fit under the titles ‘trixter’ and ‘sexy’, but they both deserved some sort of recognition for their creativity and passion they so clearly portrayed. Karol’s performance for me was, as usual, AMAZING! Her bendy lower back and silhouette make for such stunning moves. She brought the house down when she was on her belly in between the poles, brought her shoe to her mouth and LICKED it!!! SEXY! She told me it was completely spontaneous. Her tricks were of course astounding and her mastery of spinner just got better if that’s possible!

  • Sapphirecatzeye

    March 21, 2010 at 5:48 pm

    that sounds awesome! i really really REALLY hope you post some of what you have recorded, even if you dont want to post it on a site can u send it to us through email? it would b great to see any of it!

  • HunnyHeatha

    March 21, 2010 at 6:08 pm

    I’ve been scanning through YouTube to see if anyone has posted videos and I haven’t been able to find anything yet!
    Why don’t they allow video taping? Is USPDF creating a DVD of highlights or something?
    Congrats to the winners and to everyone who performed!

  • Mary Ellyn

    March 21, 2010 at 6:22 pm

    I understand there are issues with music rights licensing. It would probably be horribly expensive to get the music rights for a DVD but I dont’ know much about it.

  • amy

    March 21, 2010 at 10:05 pm

    jessalyn danced to phantom of the opera– "all i ask of you"– it’s sung as a duet.

    i really wish i knew more about how the judges selected the winner– NOT an easy task! the quality of performances were head and shoulders above last year. it’s amazing to realize how much pole has evolved. a year ago, sarah’s twisted grip handspring was THE new trick. women this year were doing iron Xs, flag presses to brass monkeys, TG lifts from a climb, shoulder mount CLIMBS… there was a lot of artistry and dance even though the physicality was so insane, everyone in amateurs did their optional routine without shoes, which i think was a reflection of the changed paradigm after amber won USPDF west.

    the show was really great to watch. i wonder how pole will evolve over the next year!

  • Hoddska

    March 21, 2010 at 10:22 pm

    interesting to read that performance has evolved so much in a year…and very exciting too! I am still blown away by the highlights of last year’s show! bare feet for the amateur optionals…very interesting…It sounds as if pole is reaching a whole new level of artistry AND athleticism. I find these word of mouth commentaries really interesting and now I feel ok about not necessarily seeing complete footage of the show.
    all who are "reporting back" thank you so much!!!
    I think this is a real new level and am I ever happy to be a part of it even just in a small way…

    eagerly awaiting MORE news:)

  • PrettyKitty

    March 22, 2010 at 12:20 am

    Thank you so much for the updates !! I have been looking all over youtube for anything USPDF 2010 but stil nothing has showed up yet!! Great details ladies on the weekend I’ve been going through USPDF wthdrawals all weekend wondering about the performances, workshops, and fun

  • Mary Ellyn

    March 22, 2010 at 12:24 am

    There weren’t any videos from last year’s competition on youtube were there? I would be surprised if we see any this year either. I seem to recall only "practice" vids that the individual dancers posted AFTER the event.

  • blueeyes

    March 22, 2010 at 1:06 am

    I got a clip of Estee’s performance, only because it was to a Lacuna Coil song that I absolutely love.
    I also got Allegra & Jenyne’s performances (shame on me!) But I couldnt help myself.

    The performances were definitely amazing. Zoraya did phenominal! As did Jessalynn… I’m suprised that neither of them placed to be honest. Zoraya had the cutest white outfit on & did her optional barefoot (as did Jessalyn) and Zoraya’s strength is AMAZING. I thought Jessalynn’s movements were so beautiful & she flowed from one pole to the other so well. Im truly suprised niether of them placed.

    Am I allowed to say that I was disappointed with Leigh Ann’s performance? The music was SO distracting, because it switched up every 30 seconds or so.

    Alethea did fantastic, I am SO biased though Her first performance was to deftones… I think a variation on their song Change? Cant exactly remember… & her optional was to Tool. Yes, she did spins & inverts with the handcuffs moving up along the pole with her… it was hot! She did a good job concealing her taking them off by dancing and doing contortion type moves to distract. I want to say she messed up her handspring about 3/4ths through. She droped down from it before she landed a pose. Am I correct? However, I talked to Brook Notary (one of the judges) and she said that mess ups do not hold high value to them as long as transitions and everything else is good. They are very forgiving to sliding & mess ups…

  • Angel1201

    March 22, 2010 at 1:14 am

    Hey Blueeyes, I second you on Leigh Ann. She did a lot of cutsie booty shaking and I like a lot of her youtube vids better than I liked her performance. I agree with your take on Jessalyn too. I felt her execution was technically flawless. I really thought Jess was gonna nab that title. I did see slip ups in a few of the girls performances and you are right Alethia did have a little mistake.

  • amy

    March 22, 2010 at 1:46 am

    alethea dislocated her kneecap 5 minutes before the compulsory and had to pop it back into place. she couldn’t get a kick off the handspring because of her knee. you may also remember her marley right after looked a little weird– bc she was tyring not to put so much tension on it.

  • MissJulie

    March 22, 2010 at 3:48 am

    AHHhH scary. how do you dislocate a kneecap?

  • Sapphirecatzeye

    March 22, 2010 at 4:38 am

    I got a clip of Estee’s performance, only because it was to a Lacuna Coil song that I absolutely love.
    I also got Allegra & Jenyne’s performances (shame on me!) But I couldnt help myself.

    oooh can you post any of it!!!

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