Forums Discussions USPDF Championship results!!!!

  • blueeyes

    March 22, 2010 at 1:39 pm

    its a bit risky! haha, i guess i can post it on here? I need to put them on my computer first, ill try to have them up sometime tomorrow, stephanie!

  • PoleSkivvies

    March 22, 2010 at 2:36 pm

    Thanks, BlueEyes, for sharing that bit about the judging criteria! I was a little confused about that.

  • ottersocks

    March 22, 2010 at 3:56 pm

    BlueEyes, you must have been in Brook’s workshop with me! I LOVED it and her. Sorry we didn’t get to say hi.

    Yes, she said that transitions and flow count for 4 out of the 10 total points. Difficulty and tricks count only for 1 point of the 10. Alethea, according to the judges, was the only one who they thought had smooth transitions–i.e., you couldn’t see her "thinking" about placing her feet and hands here and here.

    Alethea dislocated her kneecap stretching too quickly. She thinks it’s likely that she has become so loose and flexible with all her contortion work that everything has just loosened up and it slipped out. She popped it back in and went on. (She’s not superhuman though–she’s in pain and stiff and limping and headed to a doctor soon.)

    Call me biased (BIASED!) but I’m kinda surprised no one has said more about Amber’s routine! I know she will post a version so everyone will see. She told a story, switching from ballet and pointe shoes to leopard print and hot-as-hell part way through. She was stunning and you all will love it. She did have a couple of slip ups, as did almost every competitor this year actually. Just tells you how high the bar has been set and how hard they are all pushing!

  • PoleSkivvies

    March 22, 2010 at 4:13 pm

    Ottersocks, that is really interesting to know! I like that tricks aren’t emphasized as much as flow – keeps it safer, since competitors won’t feel forced to be more and more daring, just to get the points, which happens with some sports.

    I hope Alethea feels better soon – ouch!

    And, if anyone’s interested, I did post on the event here:

  • pheonyx

    March 22, 2010 at 4:44 pm

    Congratulations to everyone that competed! I really want to be there next year to cheer everyone on

  • glitterhips

    March 22, 2010 at 6:02 pm

    It sounds like everyone did well and I agree with ottersocks, I want to know more about Amber’s routine! Hers and Alethea’s seem like they were the ones that got the biggest reaction from the crowd. I was pulling for Karol, Amber and Alethea to be in the top three so I’m very sad Amber didn’t place but she’s still one of my favorite dancers!

  • azriel

    March 22, 2010 at 7:24 pm

    Call me biased (BIASED!) but I’m kinda surprised no one has said more about Amber’s routine! I know she will post a version so everyone will see.

    Maybe i’m biased too, but i’m more curious about Fleur’s performance than anyone else’s.. maybe because she’s always been one of my top faves since i started poling. Not that i don’t absolutely love all the others, but i guess i just always had a little "weak spot" for Fleur & her personal style. I can’t wait to see her routine, and any footage that everyone there may have gotten on everyone else’s performance! Congrats to the winners & to all the contestants!!

  • Angel1201

    March 22, 2010 at 7:39 pm

    Hey ya’ll, I didn’t really want to talk much about Amber’s routine b/c there is a surprise in it and I didn’t want to give it away. I will say though that along with Jessalyn’s exquisite piece, Amber’s was my fav! It did tell a story, one that is important to her and that you’ll recognise if you’ve read any of her blogs or read some of her writings here. I think she has been hesitant about putting her sexiness out there to display and she brought that to life on stage Saturday and totally owned it in her performance. At least, that was how I perceived it. It was really brilliant and mid-way through, she even had the croud laughing. It kept me enthralled from start to finish and I was so happy for her, being up there on that stage, to be able to share her life with us. It was a personal piece and it was such a pleasure to watch her perform. I did take one of her workshops this weekend and I will say two things. One, she is a talented instructor with thorough knowledge of anatomy/physiology. Take a workshop with her if you can!!! And two, she is stunning in person. She looks like an angel carved out of alabaster! Oh, and I have a third thing, so is oh so very sweet!

  • Angel1201

    March 22, 2010 at 7:57 pm

    P.S. Did you guys find out anything else about the judging criteria from Brooke Notary? What are the other points for?

  • MPsuzziQ

    March 22, 2010 at 8:39 pm


  • PinkKitty007

    March 22, 2010 at 9:35 pm
  • Journey

    March 23, 2010 at 3:00 am

    Someone did get videos up on YouTube of most of the performances! There are links going around Facebook – PINKPOLEPRINCESS22 is the channel.

    Amber’s was BY FAR my favorite, with Alethea’s as second. I had tears in my eyes watching Amber’s – perfectly showed her two sides of her dancing. There are two particular moves that wowed me and I’ll definitely be working on those.

    I loved Zoraya’s, she’s so strong and her dancing was beautiful. I love how it’s sensual, but in a subtle way. Like notice how she doesn’t do the typical butt-first thing standing up from the floor, she just stands up! Plus we got to meet her at the B&P party Thrusday night – she is like the sweetest person ever! She made sure that Kee (bauderlady) got a very special souvenir, but I’ll let Kee tell that story

    Sarah’s routine (or lack thereof) was impressive, but she always looks so bored!!! I heard she doesn’t choreograph anything… and you can tell. She even was starting to do another move when her music cut out at the end of her time. I love her moves but it’s hard to get into it when even the dancer doesn’t look like they’re enjoying themselves.

    I really liked Estee’s too, but I really can’t say why… I just did, lol. And Karol’s, of course, although once again I can’t really think of a specific reason why.

    I did feel bad for several of the dancers because I think just about every one of them that wore heels slipped at least once. :-/

    I wrote out a huge, detailed recount of my weekend that I put on Facebook (yeah it’s long, but I didn’t want to forget anything!), but the competition was only a very very small part of my weekend.

    One thing I did want to mention was how generous all the ladies were – they all were more than willing to get pictures with anyone that asked. Me and my roommates (Kari, Kee, and Day) practically tackled Allegra for pictures at the B&P party on Thursday, lol. (that was funny, I saw her standing behind the other three girls and I’m just standing there pointing with my jaw on the floor. They’re all like "what? why are you pointing?" then they turned around, gasped, and out came the cameras!).

    Truly an epic weekend… no other way to describe it.

  • REDKE71

    March 23, 2010 at 3:37 am

    Hey ya’ll, I didn’t really want to talk much about Amber’s routine b/c there is a surprise in it and I didn’t want to give it away. I will say though that along with Jessalyn’s exquisite piece, Amber’s was my fav! It did tell a story, one that is important to her and that you’ll recognise if you’ve read any of her blogs or read some of her writings here. I think she has been hesitant about putting her sexiness out there to display and she brought that to life on stage Saturday and totally owned it in her performance. At least, that was how I perceived it. It was really brilliant and mid-way through, she even had the croud laughing. It kept me enthralled from start to finish and I was so happy for her, being up there on that stage, to be able to share her life with us. It was a personal piece and it was such a pleasure to watch her perform. I did take one of her workshops this weekend and I will say two things. One, she is a talented instructor with thorough knowledge of anatomy/physiology. Take a workshop with her if you can!!! And two, she is stunning in person. She looks like an angel carved out of alabaster! Oh, and I have a third thing, so is oh so very sweet!

    i agree with angel.. ambers performance was really beautiful, and told a meaningful story about her personal pole journey. Everyone performed so well that night, i feel blessed to have shared the stage with them all…!!

  • evelina22221

    March 23, 2010 at 8:26 am
  • Serzi

    March 23, 2010 at 9:16 am

    Hi girls,
    vids are online on youtube!!!!!" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
    Thank you pinkpoleprincess22! Eva

    Karol’s performance is on there!!! OMG, THANK YOU!!! Oh…but no Alethea? Why not? I’ve been dying to see what all was done w/ the handcuffs. Well, I get to see Karol’s routine anyway and that’s the one I’ve been waiting for since like October! THANK YOU once again!!! ???????????


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