USPDF East Coast Regional Competition Video
So Fleur sent me this link on Facebook from the USPDF East Coast Competition, and I thought it was great! Unfortunately the promo video that USPDF put out itself was a mere 30 seconds worth of footage (see uspoledance.com), and I don’t think it really showcased the girls like I thought they should’ve, especially compared to the last competition highlights reel…. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_rolleyes.gif ….ANYWAY, here is a compilation of pictures and interviews from American Festivals Project about the competition….for a little more in depth look at the behind the scenes of the competition and how some of the competitors feel about pole dancing in general….click below!
http://americanfestivalsproject.net/2009/11/20/us-pole-dancing-east-coast-regional-championships/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Check it out!
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