Forums Discussions VIDEO, Video, Video!!

  • polergirl

    May 12, 2011 at 9:00 am

    I record almost every session I have on the pole–in its entirety–and I wholeheartedly agree that it's the best way to improve your form, if for no other reason than it makes you more cognizant of what you're body's doing at every moment. 

    Sure, it takes being able to get past some insecurities, but it's well worth it, and as you see yourself progress odds are that you'll start being more generous toward your body and your dancing, because you'll start to see yourself for who you really are–a DANCER. I guarantee you that even women who have the most "perfect" bodies can likely run down a laundry list of perceived flaws. 

  • EvaRut

    May 12, 2011 at 6:08 pm

    Remember that you should videotape yourself to help with your own progress. Not to compare yourself to others. 

    If you can't point out what exacly you need to fix or change from your videos you can always post them here if you have the courage and ask for feedback. You could for example say hey this is my video, there is something wrong about my split grip, any tips what I can try to improve it?

    Sometimes you just need to practice the moves again and again until they gradually become more fluid, easy and prettier. 

    I hate a million things in my videos, but I post them anyways and they really do help. Sometimes im just not feeling it and can't dance at all. Thats just the way it is I guess.

    When I first videotaped myself I realized that some things that I thought I were doing perfectly were not so perfect. I didn't point my toes while I was inverting for examples and fully extending my legs in many moves. . Then I started practicing those moves again but focusing  on extending the legs and point toes. And I still struggle with this in many moves. And when the feet are looking okay my hands are ridiculouss!

    But thats what videos are for. Seeing what needs to be fixed and to keep track of how fixing those things is going. And remember to notice the things that you like about yourself in the videos. And what makes you a unique 🙂

  • LopsiJulie

    May 13, 2011 at 3:08 am

    yeah… I only started videoing when I joined SV a couple weeks ago!  Never thought of it before.  If you look at my video (first trick line), I was shocked to find that my feet are FLEXED  and not pointed!  I'm excited that it gave me something to work on!  🙂


    Don't bother with mirroirs, cause when you're hanging upside down who the hell is thinking "where is the mirroir, need to know what I look like"… really you're thinking "oh shit what do I do and how do I not smash my head".



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