Forums Discussions V Invert Frustration!!

  • V Invert Frustration!!

    Posted by Dancer Ella on September 6, 2013 at 7:05 pm

    I started poling about 6 months ago… But ive always had the terrible habit of kicking up into my inverts! Now, I have started to change the habit and focus just on bringing the knees up to a tuck and opening my legs back… Ive been doing this technique for about a month or so and im STILL not tipping back! I FEEL strong enough I just don't know what I am doing wrong! Ive done inverted pole tricks, scorpio, gemini, etc. But I have YET to do a proper V invert and its driving me crazy!!! Why am I not tipping back? I see other videos and it seems like the dancers just float upsidedown!! Ive even seen a video where one poler quickly brings her knees up…legs out (similar to what ive been doing) and then with the legs out, head tips back and BAM- a V-invert!… Please help! 


    Sincerely- Frustrated Poler

    Lee lee replied 11 years, 4 months ago 7 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • chemgoddess1

    September 6, 2013 at 7:34 pm

    If you can post a video that would be the most help.  Typically the biggest problem that people have with not being able to tip back is starting with their hands entirely too high.  If you arms are straight to begin then you have no extension to release to give you the tip.  If you look at the following picture you will see that Veena has her hands right next to her face and her arms are bent.  If you are grabbing over your head you are sunk.


  • chemgoddess1

    September 6, 2013 at 7:35 pm

    Also when you are taught to kick up you typically start with your body behind the pole.  Your hips need to be in front of the pole.

  • Palace

    September 6, 2013 at 10:22 pm

    This post is perfectly timed for the same issue and frustration that I am having. My instructor and others think it is a mental block for me. I’m afraid to release back and just keep failing in that part. I crunch up and tuck fine. I can even tuck back some but not enough to have the legs release. I can do 5 tucks in a row on one side without touching the ground, so its not strength…darn it. I feel your frustration but unfortunately, I can’t help you……I hope someone can us. 🙁

  • tacha666

    September 7, 2013 at 1:27 am

    For me that was a thing I couldn’t do a long time. It’s all about hand placement, just as chem said.

    Stand beside the pole, extend your inside arm behind the pole.
    Then grab the pole at face level, tucking the pole into your armpit.
    Outside arm comes right on top.
    Bring your hips in front of the pole, pull yourself up onto your toes (that will prevent you from jumping).
    Then tuck your knees.
    Short before they are all up, extended your arms. Look back.
    Once you start tilting back, extend your legs. That way, the weight of your legs will prevent you from tilting back again.

  • Dancer Ella

    September 9, 2013 at 2:06 pm

    Thank you all. I will post a video on my wall/page so you can all see. I don't think I can post a video here can I??? And its nice to know you feel my pain! Atleast im not alone !!!! 

  • mariebee

    September 10, 2013 at 10:40 am

    One thing that worked for me when I was having trouble.

    All of what the other awesome polers said.. in addition.. don't think of going up into a V.. think of going up sort of "through" it. (Which probably makes no sense).. When I was having trouble I would end up pulling short and not following thru into a full V. I would stop at either almost there or not even that far. When I learned how to think/do about pulling up/through into a V that ended with me looking naturally at either the floor or low on a back wall, it was more flowing.

  • cupcakejenea

    September 10, 2013 at 4:28 pm

    Once i cramed the pole into my arm pit and lowerd my arms jus a tad i got it with ease :) it took me a sad year but i didn’t give up :) biggest pob is that I’m self teaching and not knowing excatly where to place your hands/body can set one back for months weeks are in my case years… next week ill be starting veenas lessons..if u haven’t maybe u should think about..heck we can even be internet pole pals 🙂

  • Palace

    September 11, 2013 at 9:30 pm

    Maribee, what you are saying is interesting. Think about pulling through the V? What part do you mean as through the V? The bum, the legs or the arm pull?

  • mariebee

    September 12, 2013 at 5:32 pm

    A lot of people just focus on pulling up to the pole into a V.  I figured out that if I look past the pole and end up looking at the wall behind me or even the floor I wasn't stopping and dropping.

    Like, when you are running a race, you don't run TO the finish line, (you'll slow down to stop AT the finish line) you run with a point beyond the finish line as your goal. lol.. I realized I can make sense telling and showing a person, but not necessarily describing it 😉

  • Lee lee

    September 13, 2013 at 10:29 am

    Mariebee – Great way of explaining it!

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