V Invert Frustration!!
I started poling about 6 months ago… But ive always had the terrible habit of kicking up into my inverts! Now, I have started to change the habit and focus just on bringing the knees up to a tuck and opening my legs back… Ive been doing this technique for about a month or so and im STILL not tipping back! I FEEL strong enough I just don't know what I am doing wrong! Ive done inverted pole tricks, scorpio, gemini, etc. But I have YET to do a proper V invert and its driving me crazy!!! Why am I not tipping back? I see other videos and it seems like the dancers just float upsidedown!! Ive even seen a video where one poler quickly brings her knees up…legs out (similar to what ive been doing) and then with the legs out, head tips back and BAM- a V-invert!… Please help!
Sincerely- Frustrated Polerhttps://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_confused.gif
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