Forums Discussions Vaseline

  • Vaseline

    Posted by Charley on June 4, 2009 at 10:01 pm

    I have been having issues with my Platinum Stages poles getting stuck together in classes. Monday I was trying to fit a 9ft pole in my neon (we did it) but they were so stuck it took my bf awhile to get them apart.

    I was so frustrated. Have been for awhile because I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Platinum Stages, they are my favorite poles but I can’t have all these poles constantly getting stuck!

    So my dad suggested petroleum jelly. I was desperate WD40 wasn’t working, strap wrenches weren’t working so I bought a giant tub of vaseline – I mean who doesn’t need a giant tub of vaseline anyway it has other uses. So I tried it – it worked like a charm. I still needed two people to get the proper leverage but once we got going the poles came a part in a snap!!!!!!!

    Mechanics often use Petroleum jelly to lube parts – I was not aware of this. I used 100% acetone to remove the jelly that had gotten on the pole – it cleaned up great, no grease, no mess.

    Masked Loopy II replied 15 years, 9 months ago 6 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Meleania

    June 10, 2009 at 9:22 am

    is vaseline ok if you leave your pole up for a long time?

  • Charley

    June 10, 2009 at 4:44 pm

    Vaseline never dries out according to my father. If your pole is up – it’s not an issue because it’s threaded together, if you take your pole down I would wrap the ends in plastic wrap to be sure nothing gets stuck to the grease and gets caught in your threads.

    Vaseline will not hurt, stain or rust your pole – it’s non abrasive. It’s been working like a charm for me. Just be sure to clean up any seeping jelly that gets onto the pole – I use acetone, does a great job of cleaning everything up.

  • Veena

    June 10, 2009 at 5:01 pm

    Vaseline!? Hey I might have to give that a try!!! Its been working well for you Charley?

  • RoxyPink

    June 11, 2009 at 1:29 pm

    FYI…I use vaseline on my x-pole and it is fantastic! Maybe that is why my pole has never gotten stuck?!?!?

  • amcut

    June 11, 2009 at 4:27 pm

    I’m so definitely going to use it when I undo my pole.
    I’m dreading it because it’s been like six months!

    I did use a tasty silicone lube last time. The PS pole guy was like, "ssh, wd40sucks,pleaseusesilicone" but I suspect that didn’t last six months. Luckily I have some really nice strap wrenches and a lot of bang-bang-cold-hot ideas.

  • Charley

    June 11, 2009 at 5:26 pm

    Amcut – they might come apart using silicone. It might not be too bad. I am not sure how much silicone is but the petroleum jelly can be gotten from a dollar store so I went with the cheapest route.

    Someone else where said silicone works really well!

    If they are really stuck and strap wrenches won’t get them apart (mine were and my strap wrenches were pretty useless) you can try what me and my bf did – he used a strap wrench on one end and I stood on the handle of the wrench on the other end and with some male muscle we got them apart.

  • Masked Loopy II

    January 14, 2011 at 9:15 pm

     To Charley (and anyone else that can offer input),

    I came across this old post of yours because I'm trying to figure out how to get my Platinum Stages pole apart.  The threads between the two longest pieces are stuck together and I'd appreciate any tips.  So, did you just spread vaseline over the seam between the pieces? 

    I've been trying to twist the pieces apart by myself.  Hopefully, I'll have more luck after my husband comes home and can help me.


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