Forums Discussions Vaulted ball mount (xpoles) on flat ceiling

  • Vaulted ball mount (xpoles) on flat ceiling

    Posted by aryannapoledancer on July 26, 2013 at 7:03 am

    Hi everybody, I have beeen so busy in this last period and since I first set up my account on Veena I have started my own courses since two years. So happy!

    In my pole room I have 8 poles (will become 10):
    Unfortunately I have to set up and dismount every time and girls help me but it takes us at least 10 mins if we are fast enough.
    I was thinking of setting xpoles fixings on the ceiling so as to fasten the room arrangement step.
    I think that even if I have flat ceilings the Vaulted Mount fixing could help me spare time because they can rotate 180° and pole is easier to fill in on the top.

    X pole pole advice is to buy Vaulted ball mounts that can rotate 360 °. Have you ever heard about that?
    What do you think of using Vaulted mount fixings on a flat ceiling? is it a good idea?
    Thank you for your help. 🙂
    This is the room..

    X Pole Tech replied 11 years, 7 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • chemgoddess1

    July 26, 2013 at 8:14 am

    They have a system called Pole Away.  There was just a thread about it the other day plus they have a video.



  • X Pole Tech

    July 27, 2013 at 7:36 am

    Great Studio Space – nice one

    X-Pole have 2x new mounts specially designed by our tech team from our experience with pole mounts over the last 5 years.

    X-Pole standard mount plate dimensions are   175mm (7”) x 100mm (4”) and can be installed on any flat surface. The Vaulted version can be installed on angled surfaces.

    This size today is important as it spreads the load and yes X-pole mounts are big, we make no apology for that because, we appreciate that all the dancers across the world are getting stronger and doing more crazy moves (and there are more guys) and so a standard hardware store mount is no longer sufficient! Our mounts are used in International competitions and countless studio and gyms – that should speak for itself…… and safety is paramount at all times !!

    Why the New Ball mount  – Simple –  When the pole is used it flexes, that means the pole tube is no longer in a straight line and so an angled force is applied to the bearings and mount (X-Pole spinning poles only ever use 3 bearings for rigidity and strength). The New Ball mount allows the pole to flex evenly eliminating any additional forces on the bearings and mount. Or the mount fixings or what the mount is attached to.

    The 2 types are;

    Ball Mount (0014BALL) – Standard     This mount is used for standard installations where the pole will be removed or fixed installations where the pole will not be removed. It cannot be used with pole away as it has a maximum deflection angle of 15°.

    Ball Mount (-0015BALL) – Vaulted     This mount allows the pole to be locked into the mount and to rotate through 90° in one direction. The mount body can be rotated on the plate so the direction of travel can be at 0° – 90° – 180°- 270° -360°.

    Used in conjunction with PoleAway® it allows poles to be cleared away quickly and stored horizontally with the ceiling.

    To be used with PoleAway®  a special Top Insert is also required.

    Please see the following links

    X-Pole Tech Team

  • Kobajo84

    July 27, 2013 at 12:27 pm

    I'm using the standard ball mount at my studio.  I've found that greasing the top extension that inserts into the mount once a month to really help.  I had a few hiccups along the way with mine but we finally figured things out and Xpole was wonderful in this entire process. Now it takes me 8 minutes to set up the entire studio and 4 minutes for take down. 

  • X Pole Tech

    July 27, 2013 at 12:49 pm

    Glad to hear things worked out and the USA team looked after you.

    Our designers would be grateful to know what the problems you experienced were so we can avoid them with future products and installations.

    Please let us know at

    Many Thanks

    X-Pole Tech Team


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