Forums Discussions Veena is hurt!

  • Veena is hurt!

    Posted by Veena on June 4, 2009 at 4:41 pm

    For those of you following me on Twitter, you know that, I have been dealing with a left bicep/arm problem for the past ummm…12 days now. I have no clue how I hurt myself, which annoys the hell out of me!! I had started dancing one day and the arm just felt weird, but there was never a painful moment of any kind. I have not danced since that day (I tried once but stopped) have not done any weight training either (tried but stopped) . Ice and anti-inflammatory so far have not worked.

    My very first thought was that I had just some how over done it, and lightly strained/pulled the muscle. I don’t think it was over use because I hadn’t had time to weight train at all the last week before it happen and had only danced once or twice. My concern was the burning and occasional tingling that has been happening, it felt similar to when I had injured my Ulnar (funny bone) nerve a year ago, in that same arm. Just not nearly as severe this time…no numbness just tingles. I had no bruising or swelling which is pretty typical in a strain. I do really doubt its nerve, but the only move that was new to my dancing was armpit holds….so holding your body up with just the under arm. So that could be the tingling. I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t a nerve. So yesterday I went to the doctor. Didn’t get much help there.

    Anyway, besides the lack of bruising, or sudden pain, it sure sounds like a muscle stain, so I could not get a DR to refer me to a sports medicine clinic because its just a strain… whatever. I don’t think they understood I don’t what someone to fix the problem, I just wanted to know how bad it was, (there are different levels of strain), and I wanted to know how I could prevent it from happening again. I was doing everything I know of to prevent this from happening. I always warm up, I know I didn’t over stretch it, I do strength training so I don’t have an imbalance, (I do have the Ulnar nerve damage from before, but that nerve affects the tricep and forearm down to the pinky and ring finger, I still have tingling in my fingers after every work out from that injury. So my other concern was that my triceps or forearm is becoming weak from the damage and there for causing an imbalance, with could lead to muscle strain of the opposing muscle group). That elbow had been causing a lot of numbness/tingling lately so I just wanted to rule that out. My triceps work out has been much lighter then before my ulnar damage and slightly painful. I was just hoping to get more information then "its just a strain, don’t use the arm". I have done weight training for 9 years and have had my share of sore muscles to heal, but NEVER anything like this. I have not done heavy training since the Ulnar nerve injury, because only 2 and a half months after it healed, I got pregnant, so this is the first time I’ve been able to push my self in dance and weights, since the nerve damage! Now I have to quit again!

    I am so totally mad at myself because this happened, and even more upset because I don’t know how or why! If it is a strain, I have to avoid lifting with it, or it will only get worse. I have no choice but to use it, I have to lift Henry. He has been really fussy lately because mommy can’t hold him and carry him around like he is use to. It makes me sad and mad ahhhh. I am beyond frustrated and I feel I am making a huge deal out of nothing. But there is always something that gets in the way of me making consistent, adequate, gains in my pole dance!!!! Not dancing is tearing my up inside, what if it doesn’t heal properly and what if it becomes a chronic problem? What if it is the ulnar nerve damage is causing a problem?? I apologize for little pity party. I can deal with pain really well, but the constant burning and dull ache along with the inability to dance or hold my child is proving to be extremely challenging on my mental well being!

    I have told myself I will try my best to find some good in this, but……

    Veena replied 10 years ago 38 Members · 65 Replies
  • 65 Replies
  • ducky

    June 4, 2009 at 4:50 pm

    Aw, thats not a pity party! Too bad, sending you some love!

  • amcut

    June 4, 2009 at 4:53 pm

    Oh no!

    Veena, I hope you feel better! Henry is going to be fine. Sure, he’ll be crotchity and so will you, but be safe with that arm! agggh! So frustrating, though, not to know what hurt it.

    I hate that. I HATE being injured, especially when there is so much to do! NOT A PITY PARTY.
    It’s a pain party. We feel you!

  • branquinha

    June 4, 2009 at 4:57 pm

    So sorry to hear that. I understand your pain, I got injured almost 3 months ago (shoulder) and am just starting to get back to exercise now. It is not only the pain of not doing what you want to do and/or love, but also this lack of knowledge about what to do to prevent other injuries.
    Wish you a speedy recovery!

  • Toccara

    June 4, 2009 at 5:00 pm

    So sorry to hear that! I know how frustrating it can be not being able to do something you love, and not even know why you cant! XOXO, hope it gets better soon! I wanna see more vids!

  • azzwoo

    June 4, 2009 at 5:43 pm

    Veena that history you’ve just given makes it sound like brachial plexus compression! numbness, pins and needles, burning and tingling are usually associated with nerves… I’m surprised your doc sent you away, i’d def get a second opinion! Poor you, thats rubbish!

  • yogabeachbabe

    June 4, 2009 at 6:16 pm

    I agree with getting a second opinion. It just doesn’t sound like "nothing", although we all hope it’s something minor. Also remember that often injuries are due to imbalances somewhere else in the body, or it could be something in connection to the spine. I’m not sure of your beliefs, but have you thought of seeing and acupuncturist?

    Sending you lots of healing thoughts.

  • Veena

    June 4, 2009 at 6:44 pm

    Veena that history you’ve just given makes it sound like brachial plexus compression! numbness, pins and needles, burning and tingling are usually associated with nerves… I’m surprised your doc sent you away, i’d def get a second opinion! Poor you, thats rubbish! Azz, thats exactly what I was thinking last night, and would be the nerve that could get compressed during say… a no handed flag move?? Right? My arm started feeling strange around the same time that I was working those types of moves. I think that I really had 2 separate issues. I tried to explain it to the first DR but he wasn’t really interested.

    1 the tingling from working on the holds, minor nerve irritation, or something.
    2 the bicep/tendon strain at elbow….which I have no clue as to how it happened. I do believe its a muscle strain because the majority of the pain is right where the bicep and tendon meet around the elbow. I could be tendonitis too I don’t know!?

    My concern with number 2 is the old injury to the ulnar nerve…that it might be causing weakness in my forearm and tricep. Then causing an imbalance. I don’t know?? I really don’t know how bad nerve damage has to be before it affects muscle strength? Do you know Azz?

    I saw one DR and he only tested the strength on the bad arm, and did not compare it to my good arm! Then I later convinced the clinic to let me speak with another DR on the phone and neither one would give me a referral to check on anything further. Because it is just a muscle strain they don’t see any need for any more opinions… and I understand that I guess, but I don’t want it to happen again. I know depending on the severity of the strain, you can have scare tissue and continuous problems if you don’t take your time to let it heal and work up to using it like before. I’m looking at possibly another month of rest and then I have to start slowly, it could be months before I can pull my body weight with it! I’m doing everything I can to heal it…ice, rest, and extra protein. If anyone knows of anything else that can help speed up the healing process please let me know.

  • Veena

    June 4, 2009 at 7:08 pm

    I tried to get a second opinion but the clinic would only let me talk to another DR on the phone, she didn’t have much help either, but at least she listen to me unlike the other guy. Still couldn’t get a referred to sports medicine though. So I seem to be on my own to figure this out.

    Yes yogabeachbabe, thats an excellent idea, I have thought about acupuncture, I just have no clue where to go and who would be good? What do you look for in a good acupuncturist??

  • Toccara

    June 4, 2009 at 7:16 pm

    Girl they cant deny you a second opinion! you should get a second opinion from a doctor completely unaffiliated with that practice! they are sometimes in co hoots with each other if you know what I mean. It bothers me how doctors will blow ppl off so fast. I was always taught to put my patients needs and wants first. Im sure the doctors are taught the same thing. Im not a doctor but i do ultrasounds and xrays.

  • Beccagirl

    June 4, 2009 at 7:38 pm

    aww hun I am sorry that the doctors didn’t tell you much!! I hope you get to feeling better soon and figure out what you did wrong so you can prevent it happening a second time!!

  • cali

    June 4, 2009 at 7:44 pm im sorry veena!!! man i would sooo get another opinion!!!!!!! im in med school now but i have NO clue on what it could be. if i where you i would wait outside one of the sports specialist office and wait for him to come out block off his wasy to his car untill he cheeks you out lol it has worked b4. im sorry you are hurt this is the 1st i have heard of it. im not good with twitter i cant figure it out lol anyway i wsh you all the luck in healing!!!! i know you are atrooper and will pull threw i hope so anyway i get to order you lesons in the morning after i run to the bank lol so i need you to get better hahhahahahhah. well ove ya girl xoxoxox

  • yogabeachbabe

    June 4, 2009 at 8:00 pm

    Veena, I am getting in touch with my friend in NY who is studying to become an acupuncturist/Chinese Medicine Doctor. I’m hoping that she might be able to refer you to someone or at least can point you to a reputable institution (school for Chinese Medicine) in the San Francisco area. I’ll let you know as soon as I find anything out.

  • Veena

    June 4, 2009 at 8:03 pm

    Veena, I am getting in touch with my friend in NY who is studying to become an acupuncturist/Chinese Medicine Doctor. I’m hoping that she might be able to refer you to someone or at least can point you to a reputable institution (school for Chinese Medicine) in the San Francisco area. I’ll let you know as soon as I find anything out.
    Oh Thank you so much!! I’m in the north bay, Marin county area, not right in SF so the closer the better, if at all possible.

  • Foxy_Rei

    June 4, 2009 at 8:11 pm

    That just sucks all the way around… I’ve been seeing your status on Facebook about not dancing, but I didn’t want to pry.

    That’s stupid they won’t give you a referral. As a patient it is your right to find out what exactly is wrong with you, and if they can’t tell you themselves, then they need to point you to someone who will. Why do referrals have to be a complicated process like that??? Even if it is just a strain, the fact that you can’t even lift your infant child should be a good sign that there’s something seriously wrong here and needs more attention.

    Why can’t we just go see a doctor that we want/feel that we need to see without these stupid processes? I mean, seriously, what is really stopping you from just marching up to the door of the sports medicine doc and saying "I have a problem, I’m certified in , my doctor isn’t telling me shit, and I want to see someone who can tell me what I wanna know." Sheesh, free country my rear-end…

  • jellycat1

    June 4, 2009 at 8:48 pm

    Is it your insurance holding you back?
    I know some kinds need a referral for a specialist and some don’t. If you can’t get a referral sometimes you can call in and get an exception directly from your provider. Be stubborn. You pay them, they should work for you. Eventually you’ll win.

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