Forums Discussions Vertical Dance Catalouge

  • Vertical Dance Catalouge

    Posted by Mjohnson0911 on August 18, 2009 at 4:06 pm

    So I am new to this…been poling about two and a half weeks. I am trying to start off slow and I wanna make sure that I learn beginner stuff right. I have been to a few classes and know a handful of beginner spins but I was looking at the beginner pole dancing moves on vertical dance as a semi guideline. I am kind of confused about some of the things they have on there like:

    Basic Cradle- is that stationary or spinning?
    The Ballerina- is that just a transitional move?
    B Hook- Just a move?
    Crab- ???
    Floor figurehead 1/2 hands- Confused why you would do this.

    The thing is…I can’t afford lessons right now because I’ve been out of work since June and I don’t start working again until September so I’ve been trying to do things myself. Once I start working again I definately want to get Veena’s Lessons and some at the studio. Also, one other question…How do you all set up a work out with pole? I want to try to have the most efficent workout to one lose weight and also build strength so I was just curious on how you seasoned polers did it!
    Thank you in advance for reading and replying!
    You all are awesome and an inspiration to me, I never thought in a million years I would be pole dancing but I’m beginning to wonder how I ever lived without it!
    Thanks again!

    SissyBuns replied 15 years, 2 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • SissyBuns

    August 18, 2009 at 4:33 pm

    Hey Girlie,
    I can’t get on the vertical dance website from work to see which moves you’re referring to but if my memory serves me correctly (which it often doesn’t) that sight just shows pictures right? I’m sure it’s hard to get a full understanding from moves and spins from a still shot.

    Did you try youtubing the moves you’re wondering about? I’m almost positive you can find videos of them or something close to them.

  • PoleDanceABCs

    August 18, 2009 at 6:40 pm

    I have the Vertical Dance DVD’s so I can tell you a little more about the moves…
    Cradle is harder than it looks! Took me a bit before I got it because you need some upper strength. I actually didn’t see the pics until later so I learned the more advanced Cradle that was on the DVD. I’m sure you could do it in spinny mode but I do it in static and sort of spin into that move.
    Ballerina is taught as a transition move. It is also a great stretch move for warm-ups. And it is also great for strength training because you really have to control your abs and obliques to hold yourself out straight like in the picture.
    B Hook is another transition move like the Ballerina.
    Crab it is a stationary move where you just sort of stretch down into a low position and then using your muscles push back up to a standing position. I have seen it done as a transition move and it is pretty and sexy.
    Floor figurehead 1/2 hands is a starting move. Even in my Art of Pole DVD’s Jamilla will take you down to the floor and teach you the position there rather than throwing you up on the pole. It is all about baby steps and if you learn the Figurehead on the floor then it will be easier up on the pole. Check out the advanced PDF file and you’ll see KT Coates doing the Figurehead off the floor. I also think it helps get your back more flexible.
    Hope this helps!

  • Mjohnson0911

    August 18, 2009 at 6:46 pm

    Thank you so much! I was looking at it thinking it must be transition move but I wasn’t sure. I am hoping to get a set of DVDs soon! Thanks again! Mindy

  • SissyBuns

    August 18, 2009 at 6:58 pm

    Dang….maybe I should get the vertical dance dvd’s….

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