Forums Discussions Very frustrated…….wil I ever be able to pole with out slipping???

  • Very frustrated…….wil I ever be able to pole with out slipping???

    Posted by AshleyS on July 24, 2014 at 10:32 am

    I’ve been poling for about 8 months now and ONE day I’d love to compete. But I am at a loss of what I can do. I have the chrome xpole and I absolutely love it……but I’m starting to think between my apparently sweaty hands (that I did not know I had until I started poling lol) and the chrome pole….is it just a bad mix? I’ve literally tried EVERYTHING! I’ve tried Every kind of grip (but still wanting to try that gorilla grip and that bee one can’t remember the name lol) I’ve mixed different kinds together I’ve even tried shaving cream. my first swing on the pole will be great but anything after that……I’m falling.
    Last night was very scary for me. Put it this way I almost fell right on my head/back. I was in the extended butterfly and I was like yay I’ve got a good grip…..then next thing I know my hand slipped right out and I was able to catch myself just in time. Ya pretty much said screw you pole and walked away angry for the 10th million time. My slipping alllllllll the time is holding me back….I know it is and it makes me so angry!
    Is it just me or is the itac slippery for others. It’s super sticky….then Next thing I know I’m falling straight down!? Tight grip was my fav….but still just not enough grip for me and I feel like I have to keep applying it like every 5 mins lol. I’ve got the dirty girl poletice and yeah it dries my hands out but no grip for me at all. So then I’ll apply itac or tight grip and still itac I’m slipping crazy with and tight grip I’m constantly reapplying.
    So I guess my question is should I get a different finished pole? Is that the problem? Or am I just one of those people no matter what I do I’ll never stick 🙁 ?
    Thank you for your time girls! And hope you all have a wonderful day!

    Phoenix Hunter replied 10 years, 2 months ago 25 Members · 31 Replies
  • 31 Replies
  • korinne

    July 24, 2014 at 12:02 pm

    iTac is incredibly slippy for me. I hate it.

    Sometimes you can feel “slippy” and “sweaty” if you don’t have enough grip strength. Especially if NOTHING is working and you didn’t think you had sweaty hands to begin with. It was definitely the problem I had the first few years I poled! Then I started grip training and noticed I wasn’t slipping as much. I would give it a try 3 days a week for 2-3 weeks and see if you notice a difference…Not much to lose. This is what I used.

  • AshleyS

    July 24, 2014 at 5:40 pm

    Thank you very much I am 100% gonna try those 🙂
    I will try anything to help my pole love lol 🙂

  • Phoenix Hunter

    July 24, 2014 at 6:28 pm

    Is it just your hands? It is for me, mighty grip non-tack gloves work wonders

  • Rachel Osborne

    July 24, 2014 at 7:55 pm

    My chrome is slippy until it’s warm, and I mean WARM – I rest my cheek on it at start if practice and even in a warm room it’s cool. I climb up and down, hug my body to it, slide up and down in pole hold, for about ten mins, til it feels warm (and so am I). Then it is noticeably grippier. I can’t just get on and invert – I will fall. But putting the time in to warm it up pays off, no amount of grip aid or wiping can get round the need to do this.

  • SharkyHill

    July 24, 2014 at 8:34 pm

    AshleyS, I’ve had the same problem. I know for me, my hands get sweaty when I’m learning something new (nerves), or if I have been poling for an extended period of time. I think it has gotten better due to hand grip strength also.

  • GlitterSteph

    July 24, 2014 at 9:51 pm

    This is my exact story. I really thought I was just never going to be good at pole dancing. The 1st time I used grip I had a bad allergic reaction. Tried a different one later and I magically could do all the spins I struggled with! I called everyone I knew to tell them “I don’t suck at pole I just sweat to much!” Well that only lasted 2 weeks. Haven’t found one yet to work and it makes me super discouraged. So I’m there with you. Have also fallen a few times and yes its scary and yes I walk away super aggravated. Hope we both find answers with this!!

  • phoenix kazree

    July 25, 2014 at 12:46 am

    You said that you’re applying Tite Grip every 5 minutes. Tite Grip is not a grip aid, it’s an anti perspirant. Try applying your Tite Grip 20 minutes up to an hour before you start poling. Then top it with Dry Hands as a grip aid as needed. This is my favorite combination.

  • WebJunk

    July 25, 2014 at 7:34 am

    Building forearm strength will help with grip immendsley. There was a discussion about Powerballs/Rollerballs and a review by Tigerschic041721 here:

  • Veena

    July 25, 2014 at 10:05 am

    itac becomes a greasy mess for me when it has warmed up, don’t bother with itac!!! Everyone has great options for you to try! As mentioned a warm pole is grippier then a cold pole, also hand strength will help.

  • MissMoloka

    July 25, 2014 at 10:26 am

    I know how you feel! I had a chrome pole and it would take FOREVER to warm up that it really deterred me from practicing. As everyone says, a warm room does help and yes, there is hope. I love dirty girl poletice for my sweaty hands. That’s my main problem and it has helped so much! I still need to try different grip aids for my hands though as I don’t use any – just the dirty girl antiperspirant. Good luck!

  • AshleyS

    July 25, 2014 at 3:17 pm

    Thank you everyone for the help and advise! It’s nice to know that I’m not alone lol but I’m so sorry it’s happening to you too! I do warm my pole up cause with our AC on my pole is freezing so not only do I warm it up with my warm ups (climbing up and down and so on) I take my blow drier to it for like 5 mins lol
    That is one thing I don’t do…….I put my grip of then wait a min like it says and I hope on. Sooooooo I’m going to try and put it on half an hour before and see if that helps! I’m super excited to try that and and to work on my grip strength I feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Lol
    Thanx again and Happy Poling 🙂

  • jbrint9658

    July 25, 2014 at 7:30 pm

    I agree with Phoenix Kazree. But Phoenix is always awesome!!!! I use poletice then tite grip then reapply dry hands as needed. Sometimes I need to stop and wash my hands. I am getting ready for my first competition and the truth is that you can last 4 minutes in a program with that combo. I put a lot of body grip at the end and all my hand grip moves in the beginning. Maybe I will change that but this is my first time

    I do hate itac and any other kind of body grip. I feel that they tend to melt and ruin my hand grip. Also when I am warm I don’t need them

  • HilaryKate aka LolaSlaytor

    July 25, 2014 at 8:38 pm

    I LOVE itac… but ONLY for my body. I even apply it using the back of my knuckles. If it gets on the palms of my hands at all then I’m screwed. It’s a beeswax based formula so when it gets too hot, it gets kind of melty (apparently my legs just don’t get hot enough for that).
    I love tite grip for my hands though. I used to have to reapply constantly until I learned what Phoenix mentioned above – that it’s an antiperspirant meant to be applied in advance! Since then, much less reapplying! My grip also got better with more grip strength. I still struggle with it sometimes, but it’s much less of an issue now than it used to be. Falling has never been a concern for me because my legs are my safety net – I can always trust them to grip in a pinch.

  • MeganJoan

    July 26, 2014 at 5:45 pm

    As said about use Tite Grip like an antiperspirant. I put it on 60 mins before and then rinse it off before I actually start poling. I use Might Grip while I am poling as it uses the moisture to create grip rather than trying to fight it. I don’t want dey hands, I want tacky hands! I am also blessed with dry skin on my legs so I use as it doesn’t interfere with my hand grip at all and I’ve also found that warming up in leg warmers helps a huge amount.

    To give some background I’ve been polling for over 2 years and only recently got enough grip to do stuff like butterfly. I tried gloves but I really need thay skin contact with the pole to feel secure (although I know other who love their gloves!)

    I had a chrome pole at home when I started and I knew I was battling back sweaty hands and lack of grip strength when I started. I pushed through but eventually moved cities and my new studio had brass instead oh stainless steel. Well! I could group better with my hands and my progress skyrocketed, even at home. I realised that when I couldn’t hold on at all I wasn’t progressing my grip strength (even though I trained it separately as well). I bought a TG pole for home and it was so much better. I felt more confident because do could actually do things, which meant I was progressing. I now feel confident that I could go back to chrome if I needed to and slip a lot less.

    So my advice would be:
    -Buy all the grip aids available and try every combo till you find a good one. I did. I have more grip aids then I don’t know to do with! You can check out websites for good comparisons, I like this table
    -If you can afford it buy a different finish pole. Try out brass or TG if you have a way to try any first. Brass is great for grippy sweaty skin but if it gets warm where you live it might get TOO grippy (it’ll take off my skin in summer if I’m not careful) so I went the TG.
    -Train grip strength separately.

  • jAyJaY12

    July 30, 2014 at 1:31 am

    I’m the same way, but strength training helps a lot.

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