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Waking up with a random song in your head
Posted by chemgoddess1 on October 19, 2012 at 7:44 amSo pretty much every moring I get out of bed with a song in my head. I do not sleep with the radio on nor do I wake to music. I have started loggin the songs I wake up with and also started doing some research. I found this site (as one of the top google hits) and it made me stop and think about the other thread about mental illness. So my questions for you are
1. Do you wake with music in your head?
2. What do you think about misunderstood psychic abilities?
AvaBabe replied 12 years, 4 months ago 10 Members · 19 Replies -
19 Replies
I skimmed through the article but I have experienced all of the above. A few years back I would constantly have prophetic dreams. I would dream something and it would happen that same day or a couple days after. I dreamed about that tsunami that hit a few years back, maybe like a day or two before it happened. It got to the point where I just wanted to stop dreaming but prophetic dreaming is something that runs in my family on my mother's side…..and it only seems to be with the women. I wish I could dream up some damn lottery numbers lol. I also wake up with random songs in my head.
I wonder how many "creatives" also have some sort of ability.
Ooh interesting topic chemgoddess!
I often wake up with random songs in my head, sometimes it'll be a song that reminds me of a certain memory or other times it will just be a random song (even ones I really don't like!). Today's song was Punk Rock 101 by Bowling for Soup…haven't heard that song in years! I think it's probably just my mind bringing up random information from the past.
I also often have very strong gut feelings and can usually tell when plans (either my own or others) won't come to fruition and I'm also analytically minded, however I definitely wouldn't say I agree with all of the clairsentience and claircognizance options!
My mum and grandma both have strong gut feelings so I think thats where I get it from.And as a scientist (in training :P) I've had to work to develop my analytical skills and ability to think laterally so I wouldn't say that was a gift!
I'm fairly skeptical about psychic abilities, and I'm inclined to think that it is mostly the ability to empathise with others and read the subleties in their body language/emotions (and that this is something people can develop, rather than a "gift"), however the mind is so complex that almost anything is possible really! I don't agree with "psychics" and "mind readers" but that's a whole other topic!
Wild Lotus – that's pretty spooky, have the dreams stopped now or do you still have them from time to time?
Oh, my gosh! I have to reply to this but I don't have time right now. I'll be back!!!!!! Love this!!!!
This past week I have had:
Sail- AWOL Nation
All Star- Smash Mouth
Wind it Up-Gwen Stefani
Burn it Down- Linkin Park
Little Talks-Of Monsters and Little Men
I can so relate to this. I wake up with songs in my head all the time. Usually, the subject matter in the song will have some relavance to an important situation in my day. My closest sister and I have the same fish dream when one of our family members are pregnant. I wake up to the smell of smoke or very sweet aromas from a dead sleep sometimes. I was told that these were unsettled spirits in my presence but I have never been severely bothered by them enough to do anything about it. I know for a fact that my grandmother had "gifts" which she never liked to talk about. It's always interesting to think about and try and figure out why our brains do those off the wall things.
I randomly will smell cigarette smoke either in the middle of the night or just the other day when I was walking into the one of the kid's rooms.
Strange but true story, you choose to believe it. My house is a stopping ground for some reason. I have never had visitors stay for very long and they have never caused an issue. Recently (within the last year) my Jack Russell would not step into our bedroom, let alone sleep in our bed. Now this is a dog who has faithfully slept by my belly since he was a pup and he is going on 13. I am talking shaking uncontrollably when he is in our room. Where I feel or smell something, my husband actually sees. Well it appears that my little dog does too. After my husband told the visitor that he had to leave because he was upsetting our dog, Quincy will now come into our bedroom. He still will not sleep in there as he now feels he has to protect the house, but he will wander in and check on us in the middle of the night. He will however sleep with us when we go camping without issue.
I woke up this morning with the song Heart Alone, running through my head….the one where they sing "and now it chills me to the bone". I don't know why! lol
I once took an afternoon nap and had a vivid dream that the brakes on our pick-up truck failed….we'll guess what….later on that same day, they failed. AND it happened in the exact spot as in my dream. Thankfully we were just fine and ran through the light without anyone hitting us!
I see things out of the corner of my eye often, or I feel like I do. There are also certain homes or area where I just don't get a good "vibe".
lol psychicbutsane must use amazing seo because it pops up on so many psychic related searches. Yes I do think it could be clairaudience especially if there's a message in the lyrics thats really relevant to your life or answers a question you may have.
"I see things out of the corner of my eye often, or I feel like I do. There are also certain homes or area where I just don't get a good "vibe"."
I have been there.
So in tying this with the other thread, does our creativity maybe open up other areas of our brain or maybe is it the other way around, other areas are open which cause us to be more creative and intuitive?
See, stuff like this fascinates me. I know in real life I tend to get along better with those that have an "ability". It is like we are drawn together. I cannot explain it but it just happens that way. I have also found that many are also extremely sexual. I am not sure if there is a correlation but guess who is going to be doing some research?? I wonder if the creativity also allows us to feel more things which draws us to sex. And maybe to take this to an even more extreme level, and I will say there may be TMI right now, but how many of us are multiply orgasmic? Oooooo….I just love when something makes my brain tingle.
I love the fact that you always say exactly what you are thinking Chem!!!!!
Trust me, it is not always. I would surely get banned from this site if I did!!!
As far as songs go, I can't remember ever waking up in the morning without a song in my head. Even when I had severe insomnia for 3 years. They are so much a part of my life, that I never stopped to think how they might be related to something.
Now, as far as psychic abilities, I have a doozy of a story.
First, let me say that I have always been "sensitive". Like Chem & Veena, I sometimes feel that I see something out of the corner of my eye, or I "feel a certain vibe" when I enter a home, or business, or wherever. I once read somewhere that if you do not believe in spirits, you will never see or feel them.
So, about 21 years ago my husband, Dennis (we were not yet married) owned a boat with a friend. We were up in Wisconsin at a lake house with a huge group of people for a day of fun. We went out on the boat with about 8 other people. Two of them were a guy Dennis works with and his girlfriend Cara. We were water skiing for about an hour. Cara had never water skied and she was scared, but excited to try it. The first time out, she almost got all the way up, but didn't quite make it. We floated the boat up so she could grab onto the pull bar for another go, but she didn't see it. Dennis said that he would circle around so she could get another chance to grab it. All of a sudden my body just sort of "seized up", everything around me literally disappeared and was dark. The only thing I saw (in my mind) was the rope around Cara's ankles. Dennis barely even pushed the throttle forward before I screamed "STOP"! Even though he only accelerated for that split second, she was pulled under. All the men on the boat jumped out and swam to her. She was already in shock. We got her to the beach and called 911. She had severe rope abrasions on her ankles and she was treated for those and the shock. As you can imagine, my husband felt horrible and felt responsible for her injuries. All I could think of was, "What if I hadn't had that 'vision'"??? Even that split second injured her. If it had been longer, what injuries would she have sustained?? We'll never know….I feel like my vision quite possibly saved her life.
I have never had another experience quite like that, but it was enough to make me believe that there are people who can truly see and feel things that most people do not. I also believe that the the majority of these folks are creative in some way. We already discussed how complex the brain is and how we only use a small portion of it. I think people who are psychically intuitive are able to tap into unused parts of their brain, even for small seconds of time.
This makes me want to start another related thread, but let's see what else is in store for this one first!!
Chem I agree that most are sexual. And I'm quite the researcher too lol. In fact I ive done some research on sexuality but more so from an Eastern perspective. Its one of my fave topics. I love learning about the body and energy. Anyway, even though I've never had multi orgasms(yet) I have had orgasms come on out of nowhere like BAM! lol
I see things out the corner of my eye too. I remember once I was in the kitchen and I saw this very obvious black shadow move out the side of my eye and it startled me so I whipped around to see what it was and of course nothing was there but right after that the phone rang and it was news that my grandfather had passed. *cue the twilight zone music*
I'm interested to hear what you find in your research Chem:-)
Oh Debss, I still have them from time to time. It calmed down after I had my daughter.
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