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Watch Americas Got Talent on Monday
PersianXcursian replied 12 years, 9 months ago 48 Members · 77 Replies
I'm officially a fan.
Lulu…be proud of yourself, girl! You did amazing! I love how you shocked everyone with the layback and drop split. You showed them! I loved it. AND I love your hair and the blue/green color of your outfit together. It reminded me of Ariel the little mermaid. haha
oh and btw, I was reading some of those comments on youtube from the…ah hem.."haters"…and i just wanted to tell you not to believe anything they say…people are going to try to break you down, just like anything else that is different…do NOT let them. You have a beautiful spirit and your personality (especially being in front of all those ppl) made you shine. Never lose that. 🙂
Ha! My brother just texted me asking what I thought of you! I was like, well I actually know (of) her from a pole web site and she's freakin' awesome!
I dont even bother with haters. No point wasting my breath on them. If youve got haters, that means your doing something right!
OMG, some much good stuff has come from it.
Lulu … I just LOVE how you totally rock it with all you've got! I love your confidence and sexiness!
I very much enjoyed your performance! Your routine was great, I was loved the drop split and the reaction at the end! You rocked!
Finally watched it! Way to represent, Lulu! You looked AMAZING!!! That portable pole didn't do you justice. REALLY nice performance 🙂
I watched it last night and I loved ur confidence. Also I’m so jealous of ur splits you go girl!!! X
Damn, girl you KILLED IT!!! That was awesome and you are really good television!
Woo hoo, mentioned on Yahoo NZ homepage!
I just watched it again, I love ur hair too. I want mine that colour but I’d have to bleach it first which I don’t wanna do. Also, do u have any pole videos on here that I can watch? I’m at work at the moment and can’t check x
Hey lulu! I know uve had lots of replys and I wasn't going to but I just watched the you tube clip and I have to say that was brilliant!!! I wish I had only half your confidence! You have inspired me to flaunt what ive got 🙂
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