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Waxing legs and… such!
Posted by Runemist34 on August 31, 2012 at 1:03 amHey Ladies!
I've just picked up some wax strips for waxing my legs. I just shaved, so in about 2 or 3 weeks, I can actually try it… but I'm totally not sure how it'll go!
I have never, EVER waxed anything in my life! I know, I totally should go to a salon and get it done… but it was just kind of a "Let's just give it a go and see what happens!" thing.
So I'm wondering… do you guys wax your legs (and… things!) at home? Have any pointers for me?
Also, I just noticed that I start every one of my posts the same… I'm going to have to get out the thesaurus part of my brain and fix that!
sensualdevotions replied 12 years, 6 months ago 13 Members · 27 Replies -
27 Replies
Well, I've tried the Veet cream, which basically did nothing… it was frustrating. I left that stuff on my leg for like, 15 minutes and nothing happened!
That's why I'm trying the proper wax strips this time. If they don't work, I'm upgrading to proper wax and fabric strips!Just wanted to know if anyone knows any special tips that would help me get the most out of them, and not seriously hurt myself ;P
I've tried the Veet warm wax and it works very good for me. The already prepared Wax strips don't work on me. I can't get them hot enought and it just stick on my skin. The warm wax is much better.
I also use an epilator. I think its the most effective and easest way to get the hair off.
I recently started an IPL treatment. I bought a small mashine so that I can use it at home.
You just press the machine on the skin and press a buttom and a red light flash. The light makes the hair stop growing. It doesn't hurt. I love it! I've done about six treatments and has already seen resoluts. The hair is growing more slowly and is not as dark as it was. And you can use the mashine all over your body (but not in the face). I love it! It's very easy to use. I have this one: -
Marie90- So, what is an epilator? I'm very curious about that!
And IPL treatment sounds a little scary, though effective! I might look into that, too.
And yes, if the was strips don't work, I'm gonna try the warm wax thing next!
Epilators look like and electric razor but Instead of cutting the hair they pull it out similar to waxing. I looked at one, tried it on my arm in the shop and decided an electric razor was a much better idea and much less painful.
I tried waxing my legs once and failed, I’m such a sook, I can wax my eyebrows and that’s the limit of what I can do. I dont mind pain but not the sort that comes from beauty treatments.
IPL sound great but too expensive for me. I have. A Philips Ladyshaver and it works beautifully.
Whichever you use tho I find it easier to pole with nice smooth skin, so I always make sure I shave the day or morning before a class.
I've tried the Sally Hansen warming wax with those waxy strips and it hurt a lot and maybe pulled a hair or two… and that's when I did it on my arm! Tried legs, eyebrows, and bikini line and nothing. I just shave but I hate that underarm and bikini line hair seems to start growing back by night time (I have dark hair, luckily not thick though).
I'm also curious to hear more about epilators, and has anyone tried the NoNo? My sister and I are thinking of giving it the trial run and returning it within the 60 days (they do free shipping to home and back plus refund the full purchase price.) If I like it, then I'll shop around on Amazon or Ebay for it. 🙂 That Philips thing Marie mentioned seems similiar but geez they're expensive (rather keep shaving and save for Veena's lessons :)
I've had good luck with the veet was strips. Before applying I usually rub them vigorously in between my palms and then hold them up to a light to help melt them a but more. My only real tip would be to remember before pulling off any type of wax to pull your skin as taut as possible in the opposite direction.
For awhile I've been doing laser hair removal and sometimes use an epilator when I can't do laser because my skin gets way too itchy from shaving. The epilator is great when my hair is sparse but for the parts of my leg that are a little more full it hurts. I have to mentally prepare myself for it sometimes hehe
A epilator snatches the hair up with its roots. It's like several tweezers on an engine that spins and pulls up the hair.
The epilator is really good. But you have to let the hair grow to about 2-3 mm before you can epile (or what you call it) again. And it hurts a bit in the beginning but then you get used to it. It's a different kind of pain but the body gets used to it. Like the skin in pole dance 😉
I only epile my legs, not my thighs (I don't have so much hair there). The skin on the legs is firm so it doesn't hurt that much there. It hurts more on my thighs.And yes, the IPL machine is a bit expencive but it's totally worht it. And it doesn't hurt at all and it's easy to use. You can use it in the sofa while you're watching tv.
If I shave my legs I have stubble (?) the next day or after two days. So if I want to have smooth and hairless legs I have to shave them like every second day. And that also gets expencive to buy razors and gel. With the IPL machineyou have to do aboute 8-10 treatments to get a long lasting result. You do it every second week or you can also do it with a longer intervals. And when your happy with the result you only have to do it once a year or so. And you can use it on the bikini line. It's purfect for me because my hair grows very quickly and is very dark around the bikini area.
I'm on my seventh treatment and I only have to shave my legs every second WEEK now. My legs are smooth and the hair frows very slowly and is not sharp. The hair is much softer.
And you can buy it with a friend or two and share the cost. All of my friends want to borrow mine 😉 -
I never thought I’d say this but I’m really in love with my epilator! I’m dark skinned, so IPL won’t work for me (will hurt skin and not!) and the epilator I have can grab much smaller hairs down 1.5mm. It doesn’t always grab them at that size, but it’s good enough to use on shaving stubble without needing to wait days. I really love it for simplicity and making body hair (and I’m of middle eastern decent…so there’s a lot of it) something I only need to think about once a week.
Yes, the epilator is very good 🙂 mine can also grab tiny hairs like 1,5 mm but it works best on 2 mm. Have anyone tried the epilator that yoyu can use in the shower?
one of my friends has the wet epilator and she swears by it., but i've never tried it!
I use the wax strips every now and again and my tip would be to give them a quick blast with the hair dryer for a few seconds before use, to get the wax nice and warm. Or, clamp it in your straightener for a second, but be really careful it's not TOO hot or you'll melt the wax right out of the strip (and ruin your straightener)! I find it works really well if they are warmed up this way.
If you're really unsure, go and get it done just once and pay alot of attention to what the beauty therapist does and just copy her next time 😉
Marie, I have a waterproof one but personally find it grips better on dry skin/hair. It’s nice as an option, though.
Marie, I have a waterproof one but personally find it grips better on dry skin/hair. It’s nice as an option, though.
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