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Weak wrists
Posted by amcut on April 29, 2009 at 3:09 amHow do I tell if my wrist problem is weakness, flexibility, or bad genes?
I’m one of those people who can do pushups from a fist but not from a palm. I don’t know if it’s flexibility. I’ve been REALLY trying to stretch and warm up my wrists for the past two weeks, but they’re sucking AWFUL. Like all this working out the wrist has made it so I can’t even hold a plank from my palms.
am I ever going to be able to do a handstand?
litlbit replied 15 years, 10 months ago 6 Members · 12 Replies -
12 Replies
I had the same problem (I thought part of it was being old! LOL). My son taught me his wrist exercises from hockey because it addresses the movements and rotation as well as building strength in wrists and forearms. I did a quick instructional video but my hubby deleted it (accidentally)…I plan on doing another in the morning and posting it. It really did help me immensely…I have no problem at all now!
Powerballs are amazing, they work wonders for weak wrists
I second Lola on the power ball.
Also go easy on your wrists – they will get stronger.
Handstands were awful for me too for a really long time. One thing I noticed I was doing was twisting my wrists when I came down into the handstand. YOu need to keep your wrists straight – thing of your fingers being spread open and your middle finger pointing askew (slightly left or slightly right) make sure your fingers are in front of you and not to pointing away from you.
This was my problem – I was weakening my wrists and damaging them because they were not straight – it may not be an issue for you. The more you practice the stronger you’re wrists will get.
Thank you ladies!Lilbit, I am SO waiting on this vid of yours. I read about it before and was like, "just what I need!".
Lola! I’m researching these powerballs! NEAT gadget. I’m going to read the website before I consider looking at the price, so it’ll likely be a purchase and not a balk! LOL
And charley, I think I’m doing the same thing you were doing. I come down and immediately give them a little rotate, so I’m going to try to improve upon the strength with planks before I murder myself. It’s probably also unfair for me to expect my teensie wrists to handle my big luscious self, so I’m going to consider that, too! I didn’t know I had to keep from turning them, so thank you SO MUCH for saving me from even more wrist pain!
Hi amcut! I’ve been having computer issues…I will try to upload that vid today, a friend of mine is coming over to check out my computer….he runs a repair business from home. Will let you know when I can get it up!!
amcut…so sorry…tried to upload the video of wrist exercises now that things are working again…but it says it’s too big! ARGH!! I have no way of editing for time so I’ll have to try again and see if I can make it really short..I was over by about 30MB. Wish me lick!!
I also like powerballs. I had a problem on my left wrist when I first started dancing and a powerball helped me a lot in the recovering process. Now I have an injured shoulder and am starting to use them for that too, so they will probably be usefull for poling times – wrists, arms, shoulder… and they are good for warm ups too.
Best wishes! -
You could also buy a tennis ball or racket ball, to squeeze.
OK…posted a video for the wrist exercises my son taught me…I was shocked at the poor video quality as this is a new camera…it looks good on my computer but not on here! LOL
Awwww great job! I was wondering if you might do that exercise! I recently just found a gadget that basically does the same thing… .but you don’t need the string. We had the dowel and string deal at the gym I use to work at!! This is a great exercise because it also strengthens your fingers too!!! Have you ever tried this grip stick thing?? I was wondering if the tension was adjustable? Nice tutorial. I posted the same thing on your vid!
Veena…I’ve heard of them, but the fitness center I work at doesn’t like them, I don’t know why…never used them myself. But it might be worth checking out…I just inherited my son’s when he quit playing hockey LOL..Hard to believe my baby (youngest) is graduating from college in a few weeks!
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